Sixth Breath, Leaf of the Transcendence, Week Six
Meditations 21-24: 7:7::7:7, Science of Telepathy, Perceptual Order
Core Curriculum: World Languages, Culture and Spirituality

Twenty-third Meditation: Application/Transformation-Patience Transforms Conduct
7:7::7:7 - The Daily Order and the Principle of Self-initiation: Becoming Cubed
7 Seed

Bolon Ik: As-Salaam-Alaikum! Welcome to this Meditation 23. This is an Alpha day and Alpha releases. We have the application and transformation of the knowledge for this week. Of course, we always remember that patience transforms conduct. This is also the week of the Transcendence, and today is the Alpha time-space day. For sure, it is a yellow day. We are ripening ourselves. We complete Harmonic 31, which is the Resonant Input Harmonic, and I can feel that God has really been inputting into us as the numbers have been speaking through us. Today is Kin 124, Yellow Resonant Seed
ボロン・イク: アッサラーム・アライクム!瞑想23へようこそ。今日はアルファの日で、アルファは解き放ちます。私たちは、今週の知識の応用と変容を行います。もちろん、忍耐が行ないを変容することを忘れてはなりません。今週は、超越の週でもありますが、今日はそのアルファの時空の日です。黄色い(アルファの)日ですから、私たち自身を熟成させています。共振の入力の超波31の最後の日ですから、私たちを通して語られる数字によって神が実際に私たちに入力してきたことを感じます。


I channel in order to target
Inspiring awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of intelligence

Today we begin the Yellow Seed-Star Chromatic, Chromatic 27, the Resonant Seed- Spectral Star Chromatic. This is Overtone Moon day 19, Cube 13, Skywalker. We also have the extended electron at the South Pole where we begin the telepathic quantum. According to the Rinri Precept for today, it says: "Do not forget the origin, nor neglect the completion." So this is a very important point - that even as we are living in the here and now, that we don't forget where we have come from and we also do not neglect to think about how we will complete things.

As of today, we have come to the 40th day of our program. We should think a lot about the next nine days - how we will complete the Earth Wizards Seminary with great strength and energy. I think we could refer back to the beginning, when we were trying to learn how to close a ceremony properly. So according to this Rinri precept, today we really need to look both at the origin and at the conclusion. In light of this, today we complete the Bi-phasic Codon 4 which says: "Listen Again!" No matter how much we know, we can always learn more.

With the new weekly practice that we are receiving, the 7:7::7:7, I think we will find ourselves continuously expanding the radial matrix. We are learning and experiencing at the same time. This is Tone 7 of the Mirror Wavespell, and remember, this is the Wavespell of Endlessness. Sometimes you think a day will never end. But then you wake up again the next day, and everything changes again. So we are learning to ride the waves of fourth-dimensional time.

I just have a note about the 7:7::7:7: We have the completely revised edition that is being produced in Hong Kong, so please do not copy any of the old material. Wait for the new production that is coming. It's fine, all of the translators that have been working with it, but do not make any more copies until the final form has been presented to you.

So now for Meditation 23, 7:7::7:7, the Daily Order and the Principle of Self-Initiation. Becoming Cubed.
では、瞑想23を始めましょう。7:7::7:7、日々の秩序と自己イニシエーションの原理、立方体化する です。

Valum Votan: Good morning, Cubic Holons of Velatropa. I can tell that you are becoming transformed into Cubic Holons because sometimes we enter into conversations and it is all numbers - numbers, numbers, and more numbers! Numbers forwards and numbers backwards. Numbers vertical and numbers synchronic. So I'll give you some more numbers.

Today is Meditation 23. This meditation is the "Prophecy of the Biosolar Telepath Fulfilled." Meditation 23, teaching day 23 - 23 is the number of the biosolar telepath. This corresponds to the 23-year solar sunspot cycle. In the Telektonon 16-Year Cube of the Law, it corresponds to the 23-day cycle of the biosolar telepath. We have 16 of these 23-day cycles a year. So if we look up for today we can see that we are in the sixth strand, and we are in the sixth week of the Earth Wizards Seminary. When we look up to see the date Overtone 19, we see that it is the 17th day of the sixth strand, which is 6.17. 6 and 17 are 23. So this is why we say this is the prophecy of the biosolar telepath realized.

We see that the synchronic order continues to inform us with utter perfection every day. The more that we learn about the Law of Time, obviously, the more we have to synchronize. The more we realize the synchronization of different patterns, the happier we become. I've never seen anyone get sad when they discovered further synchronic patterns. So this means the realization of the synchronic patterns tickles your chakras. When your chakras are tickled then the inner heat increases. When the inner heat increases the radion from within is being released. Everyone starts to feel hot, and it's not just because summer is coming. We are creating the internal summer, we are creating the biosolar telepathic summer.

We realize that the power of learning about the synchronic order is to understand the power of numbers. The power of numbers has qualities of frequency that entirely inform the fourth-dimensional order of reality. This quality of number in the fourth dimension that we learn from studying and practicing the 20 Tablets or the Telektonon and the Dreamspell - it starts to get very excited when it reaches the 7:7::7:7. We begin to realize how the radial matrix comes to a central point within ourselves. Then it becomes very worthwhile to stay awake just so you can figure out some more synchronic number patterns and hope your friend hasn't figured them out before you! Little groups of synchronic biosolar telepaths running together in little clusters trying to raise the level higher and higher ... so I think we have been transforming. We can all feel it from inside. We can also know it actually in the mental patterns of the numbers.

We realize that we are really involved in an educational process that is very different. We also realize that this is a very intense educational process, and that it is simply to create a very, very compressed fractal field of Cubic Holons. This is only because this is the seed saturation. From this seed saturation, from this seed pack, we will all release. Then we will be like butterflies or bees and we will go to different flowers. Then we will pick up and leave behind the different number patterns and we will teach others what this is. Most of all we will prepare for the Rainbow Bridge experiment.

In becoming a biosolar telepath we are synchronizing ourselves with the Solar Galactic shift. It is really the solar-galactic vibration that is creating this excitement. We are just opening up our receivers to receive this vibration.

In terms of the synchronic order, this Overtone Chromatic 27 is completed on the Yellow Spectral Star. As you may recall, it is also the completion of the initiation of the Energy Body. In the receiving of the 20 Tablets Valum Votan partook of three initiations. We are actually now all going through that same pattern and so by a process of osmosis everyone else is receiving these same initiations. The more open you are, the more that Valum Votan can secrete his vibrations into you. In this way we have completed the form body with the Crystal Warrior, and now we are completing the energy body with this Overtone Chromatic. When we get to the Harmonic 33, then we will finally receive the full initiation of the biosolar telepath. Then you will be full-fledged Chrononauts. So it is very good to be doing all of this together as one organism.

Today is also the nineteenth day of the Fifth Moon, and the 5 and the 19 equals 24. Today is Kin 124, which is the same ... 124 - 1 + 2 + 4 equals 7. We are in the seventh column and this is 7 Seed. If you write 7 Seed, Tone 7 plus Code 4, then translate that into the Galactic Notation code: the 7 is 7 x 20, which is 140, plus the 4 of the Code number makes 144. So the vibration of the 144 of the elect is also here.

I remember very clearly that it was on the Kin 124 that in the year of 1994, in the Gregorian Calendar of March 23, that Bolon Ik and I had gone to Belize to renew our passport so we could stay in Mexico longer. As we were finishing breakfast about 7 in the morning ... Bolon Ik and a friend who drove us there were walking out of the restaurant, and I was hearing something on the radio. I stopped to listen to what I was hearing. It was the report of the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. I felt very strongly that this was very much coded to this mystic seventh column on the fourth day of this column with the Tone 7 ... Bolon Ik says that she forgot to read from the Telektonon today, which is also very appropriate because it's the "Telektonon, the Frame of Time," and it ends on verse 24.

Bolon Ik: "Telektonon, the Frame of Time

"As the special witness of time I, Pacal Votan, know the perfect count of days. I bow in the Temple of the Tower and the Rock, the sanctuary of Bolon Ik. In my body formed of the ultimate perfection of God's power of all movement and measure (Hunab Ku), is the recollection that is prophecy. Knowing this body as the measure of time I had built this palace and this tower to correct and to also look for the Tower of Babel, a memory of the remembering. And in my nine-fold temple where, guarded by the nine powers of time I had this body laid, I left this legacy for you, the talking stone of prophecy.

"Telektonon, the frame of time I left for you is a mirror to show you your own truth of time for one last time. For now is the Day of Truth, the Hour of Judgement. You, Children of the Dawn and you, People of the Book unify yourselves the only way you can: in time, through time, as time. Telektonon, the perfection of time is the only way for you to escape the fire that consumes the unrighteous. If you who know, who have followed the straight way, the good path, now falter in this challenge of unification in time, Telektonon, which has already been prepared for you, you will perish forever in the fire that now consumes all unbelievers. God's command is in you. Do not listen to the evil one now."

Valum Votan: As I said, that last verse is verse number 24 which again connects with the Kin number for today, 124. As I also said, when we take the Tone 7 and the code number 4, that's, of course, the fourth position in the seventh column and that also completes Bi-phasic Codon 4. So we have the basic numbers of the supreme ratio of the Law of Time, 4 is to 7 as 7 is to 13. Also, because this Kin is in the mystic column, it is the occult partner of Kin 137, also in the mystic column, which is 7 Earth - identified as the Ah Vuc Ti Cab, the Lord at the Center of the Earth. This Kin 137 is the Psi-Chrono Unit of the 21st day of the Resonant Moon. It was that 21st day of the Seventh moon of the Overtone Seed year which completed the weekly Codon 49, 7 x 7, which is also the Bi-phasic Codon at the bottom of the mystic column. This is all by way of saying that the 7:7::7:7 was inevitable.

We can go back to today, which is Kin 124, the 19th day of the Overtone Moon, and see that the Psi Chrono Unit for today is Kin 91, the Blue Cosmic Monkey. This 91 is a key number as well. We can see 91 is 19 in reverse, but that 91 is also the key number of the 13:7 constant. That is because 13 x 7 is 91 and also when you add 1 + 2 + 3 ...+ 13 that also is 91. So that becomes a very key number in the whole process of the Law of Time. We have that 13:7 factor as the Psi Chrono Unit for today. We see where we are in the 20 Tablets - we are in the Cube 13, which is where we get our number 13 and also day 19. So these are also two key numbers. Next week we will go much more into the number 19. This day represents the first stage of entering into the center of the Cube of the Law. The center is the positions 13, 14, 15, and 16 which correspond to Tel-Ek-Ton-On. So today is "Tel," the "power of the distant seers."

Our weekly Codon, which is number 45, Oceans of Presence, is also located in this Tablet (13). So we are coordinating the weekly Codon. Today we are in the fifth line, which is generally the ruling line of the Codon. The position of this Cube is the Skywalker Prophecy position. {Demonstrating Tablet 13} But in terms of the future - which year it will be in the future - we see that it is going to be the year of the Self-Existing Seed. So today on the daily Kin we have the Resonant Seed. Then, for the Annual Wavespell in this position in the 20 Tablets, we have the Self-Existing Seed, which again shows us Tone 4 and Tone 7, the four is to seven ratio again. You begin to see how you can find these patterns of harmonic order . The patterns continuously inform us with some very basic ratios or harmonies.

This (Cube position) also corresponds to the thirteenth year of the 20 Tablets, so we have again the key number 13. We are just going through - we can find that on a daily basis that we are always going to be living these patterns and entering into levels of fractal time compression. We see that when you add the Cube number 13 and the day number 19 that's the number 32, and we see that the sum Codon number is 132 and when we add 32 plus 1 that equals 33 and 132 is 33 x 4. So this is how we end up talking numbers, hoping a bunch of psychiatrists won't swoop down on us and say, "You've all lost your minds! The lunatic asylums are filled with people talking numbers." But we'll say, "No. We know what we are talking about. This is the Law of Time. There's meaning and order to all of this."

And it's true. So welcome to Alpha 19. Within another year we won't have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We'll have Dali, Seli, Gamma, Kali, Alpha, Limi, Silio. We will then say, "Hey it's Alpha 19! I always love Alpha 19. We're always in the thirteenth position of the Cube, that's why." This is how we change reality. There's no meaning or reason to the names of the days of the week. There is no logic to the sequencing of those days. I think maybe in Brazil they have a little more logical hold on it because they talk about "quintafeira" and "sextafeira," which at least is a little more logical.

But we are going to advance that logic. In the 7:7::7:7 every week we create a Heptagonon of Mind. In fact, we won't say there are weeks anymore. We'll just say, "Which Heptagonon of Mind is it?" And you'll say, "Alpha 19. Well, of course, this is the Heptagonon of Mind of Earth." We'll say, "Alpha 5 - that's the matrix Heptagonon of Mind," and so on. In this way we change. And you say, "Why did we have to have this pattern of the seven days of the week?" If we are changing the calendar, let's change it all the way. Let's enter into a fourth-dimensional concept of reality and live that concept. So we see that the 7:7::7:7 is the final piece that establishes completely that, not only are we having 13 moons of 28 days, but every 28 days we have four Heptagonons of Mind.

Today we could turn to the application and transformation of the material. The 7:7::7:7 consists of a few parts. When you get your 7:7::7:7, you're going to have to make an even larger room for your Chrononaut coordination corner. Not only will you be needing to have, at least, one hour a day just to radialize your brain, but you will be needing to have to at least double the space that you are already using for your Dreamspell and your Telektonon. In fact it is probably a good idea to have a Radiosonic room that is just for this program. If you have a Radiosonic room that is just purely the vibration of 13:20, where you have your Journey Board and your Oracle Board ... maybe you have those on the wall ... and you have your Telektonon board and then you have your 7:7::7:7 board. And these {demonstrating 20 Tablets of the Law of Time} are large tablets - you need a whole other table for these. So pretty soon you have like a table like this, and another one there, and another one there; and there you are ... Hmmmmm ... So then you'll say," Oh now I'm a Chrononaut!" Then think, there will be lots of Chrononauts. So we are going to be very happy with our radiosonic rooms coordinating this information and becoming Cubic Holons.

We can turn to the parts of the 7:7::7:7, which are basically simple. First of all you have your Instruction Sheet ... the front side, which I'll talk about in a little bit. {Demonstrating front side of Instruction Sheet} We talked the other day of the Cubic Hologram, which is referred to as the 7:28 Cubic Hologram, and it consists of four cubes contained within each other in a pattern of optical illusion. I'm very aware of the fact that there was an artist named Picasso who, one night with his friend Georges Braque, smoked a little too much hashish and created something called "Cubism." Now you can see, when you look at Cubist paintings, they're not quite there. A lot of art critics make a lot of words about them, but they don't really have this kind of harmony.

So we are going to finish the Cubism and become Cubic Holons. And all you need is one Cubist painting and that is right there {pointing to Cubic Hologram on Instruction Sheet}. This is the four weeks, the four Cubic Holons, the four Cubic Heptagonons of Mind. To just review again: the outermost one is the Matrix Heptagonon of Mind. The next one on the inside is the Heptagonon of Mind of Heaven. Then the third one in is the Heptagonon of Mind of Earth, and the innermost one is the Inner Heptagonon of Mind.

The sizes of the Heptagonon of Mind Cubes correspond to the time compression. The largest amount of time is the Matrix Heptagonon of Mind, which is 260 moons or seven Katuns. The two next ones, the Heptagonon Mind of Heaven and Heptagonon Mind of Earth, are each seven years or 91 moons. In other words, like the Seven Years of Prophecy - when we are done with them - we will have lived 91 moons of prophecy, to get back to that number of 91. Then the innermost one just consists of the seven moons. But within those seven moons are another seven moons. Those are the seven mystic moons.

The seven mystic moons are like the (other side of the) black hole. The seven last moons are like the seven black holes, so that when we finally reach the winter solstice of 2012 - summer solstice south of the equator - it will be like passing through the center of the innermost black hole. We will have one moon which is called the "Moon Out of Time." Then we will be on the other side of the black hole, and we will have the seven mystic moons. The seventh mystic moon will end on the Day-Out-of-Time 2013, and then will be the point of galactic synchronization and the launching of the Timeship.

Here you have the time lines {still demonstrating upper front of Instruction Sheet}. These are the time lines and these are the Seven Katuns. Here you have the Katun dates starting from to This is the end of Baktun 10. Then we have the other three time lines and the Seven Years of Prophecy and the seven years of the Mystery of the Stone. They are all coded by the Seven Radial Plasmas. Here {indicating first time line} you have the seven solar witnesses of the Book of the Seven Generations. And here {indicating second time line}, you have the seven lost generations that return during the Seven Years of Prophecy. The even years of the Mystery of the Stone are the code of the absolute Heptagonon of Mind in the Cube. Then {indicating fourth time line} the seven last moons of the 13 Baktuns have exactly the same Kin numbers as the seven Katuns and the Seven Years of Prophecy - and this is the return of the original Seven Solar Witnesses.

Then the Overtone Moon of 2012, ... just think thirteen years ... same moon ... same day, where will you be? That's going to be Moon Kin 200, and this year is the Lost Generation, Kin 200. So then we'll finish that moon and nine days later there will be the completion of the 13-Baktun cycle. That is called the Moon-Out-of-Time, Kin 201, the Red Rhythmic Dragon Moon. Then we will have the Seven Mystic Moons until we reach Moon Kin 208 which is the 208th step. Then we will have the Day-Out-of-Time and the Galactic Synchronization.

{Now pointing to bottom right, front of Instruction Sheet} Down here you have the Tzolkin grid. At the bottom of the tenth column you have the seven Kin which are the code Kin of the Seven Generations and of the Seven Last Moons. You also see your sensory quantum - and to your right you have your telepathic quantum, plus various other geometrical, physical information. Over here {points to the left of Tzolkin grid on front of Instruction Sheet}, you have the form of the Primal Cubic Parton which defines the three different axes. The electromagnetic axis which goes from Dali to Seli, forms the vertical axis of the Heptagonon of the Mind. The gravitational axis, also called the Wizard's axis, goes from the Gamma to the Kali. Then you have the biopsychic axis which forms the central axis of the Primal Cubic Parton. It goes from the Alpha to the Limi, and then to the Silio. So today {indicating central biopsychic axis} we know that this is Alpha and this is the double Extended Electron. Tomorrow will be the Limi with the Mental Electron, and then finally the Silio, with the Mental Electron-Neutron.

The difference between the Heptagonon of Mind and the Primal Cubic Parton is just a shift in axis. The Primal Cubic Parton represents the actual original structure of the organization of the electronic lines of force, and in that formation you have what is called the biopsychic axis as the central axis. We see that the Alpha, the Limi, and the Silio create the telepathic quantum. So the Heptagonon of Mind actually represents the evolved mental form of the Primal Cubic Parton. In that form the Dali is on the top and the Seli is on the bottom of that central axis. The Dali, the Seli and then, the third position, the Gamma create the sensory quantum. So we have those two (cubic) forms. Also, when we talk about the Heptagonon of Mind of Heaven, for instance, this is what we have been creating over the Seven Years of Prophecy. We have created - when you look at your Telektonon card that shows the seven years - you'll see that we have connected the six outer plasmas: the Dali, the Seli, the Gamma, the Kali, the Alpha, the Limi and that creates the Cubic outer form. This year we are releasing the center plasma, the Silio.

It's very important to understand this principle, that when water comes to boil when it is at 211 degrees Fahrenheit, it may be very hot, but it hasn't boiled. There is a great difference between the one state and the other state. In the same way we have released the six Radial Plasmas that create the cubic form externally, but now we are working on releasing the seventh Plasma. Up until the 28th day of the Cosmic Moon it will just still only be 211 degrees Fahrenheit. But when we reach the Day-Out-of-Time, the water will boil. When we complete the release of the seventh Plasma, we will be talking about going into a transformed biopsychic condition. This will also be allied to the electromagnetic field and rooted to the gravitational field. Because of this, we will be able to have the final triggering of the experiment. These are very important points to keep in mind for how we are actually going to be conducting this experiment. Finally, we are dealing with the 7:7::7:7. and because of that, tomorrow we will be able to go much more deeply into the mechanics of the triggering of the Rainbow Bridge.

But we will continue going through the 7:7::7:7. {Now demonstrating inside of Instruction Sheet} We will open up the Instruction Sheet. On the left side, we have the description of what is called the Physics of the Cube of the Law, which again is based on the four sevens. [tape break] When we contemplate this image we see that we are not going to be dealing with a sequential pattern, but with something that looks like this {pointing to upper left hand side of left inside sheet}. The first three days of the week we will always create a sensory quantum. The middle day of the week will always be the catalytic Kali that connects the sensory quantum with the last three days of the week, which create a telepathic quantum.

Each week we will create a telepathic time atom. This is a fourth-dimensional atomic structure that coordinates the radial time. We will do this four times every 28 days. In that way we will create four of these telepathic time atoms. Once every moon, at the end of the moon, we will take all of this ... {now pointing to right side of inside left Instruction Sheet, "Physics of the Cube of the Law"} This is the octahedron at the center of the Earth. We will place our time atoms within the octahedron at the center of the Earth where we will be creating what is called a "Master Time Molecule" to stabilize and coordinate the radial patterns of time in the Biosphere - and in the creation of the Noosphere.

This is a key point in the science of telepathy, and this is the key overview of the perceptual order of telepathy. We are actually going to be using our telepathy to establish a new fourth-dimensional order both within ourselves and within the center of the Earth. In this way we will organize the plasmas which are always entering the Earth from the Poles and going to the center.

This science that we are speaking about may seem somewhat fantastic to people in the third-dimensional world. But we have to remember that in the 17th century when people began to establish the basis of the third-dimensional science of today - and they talked about creating machines that ran by themselves instead of by horses - that they also seem very fantastic and crazy. So we are talking about doing the same thing, except now it's time traveling, so we won't even need the machines that run by themselves. In this way we are advancing the evolution from the material plane to the mental and the spiritual plane.

{Returning to image of octahedron in Instruction Sheet}We also have here, when you look at the structure of the cube and the structure of the octahedron, that the octahedron has eight faces and six vertices or six points. {Counting on octahedron graphic} 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and the eight faces 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The cube, on the other hand, has six faces and eight points. So the octahedron: eight faces, six points. The cube: six faces, eight points. We are talking about what is called a fractal transposition of form - so that we will be learning how to take ourselves from being cubes ... to ... let's try being an octahedron! Sounds fascinating doesn't it? It can be done.

{Pointing to text beneath octahedron graphic} Also, we have the constituents of the sensory quantum and the constituents of the telepathic quantum - and the catalytic agent Kali. Then over on the other page, on the right hand side page, this is your Fractal Time Compression Board Overview, or your Fractal Time Compression Board at-a-Glance. Maybe you're traveling and you don't have any room for your Fractal Time Compression Board, so you bring out your Fractal Time Compression Board-at-a-Glance. You take one long blink and then you have it all, of course, in your mind. Again {demonstrating four vertical rows of graphic},here you have the four weeks coded by the four colors. The first week is always the red week - the whole process of that week is referred to as "Knowledge Initiates View." The second is the white week, "Humility Refines Meditation." Of course, these also refer to the weeks in the Telektonon, the red week is also "Claim Power of Prophecy," and the second week, the white week, is "Maintain Power of Prophecy." Then the third blue week, when you "Proclaim Victory of Prophecy;" is "Patience Transforms Conduct." The final week, when you "Become Victory of Prophecy," that is when "Power Ripens the Fruit."

This again is a re-organization of our basic concept of the four weeks of the month. Not only are we fulfilling a particular prophetic pattern, but we are establishing a particular order of our being coming into knowing. What we are involved in is an accelerated evolutionary learning process. As I said, this isn't going to walk off the shelf and talk to you. You actually have to apply yourself and continue to learn. As you apply yourself and continue to learn these patterns that are coded by the Law of Time, you are actually participating in the evolutionary transition. You are unlearning old patterns. This is no longer Thursday this is Alpha 19. That's what we call unlearning old patterns and at the same time obviously learning new patterns.

These new patterns that we are learning are actually the Noosphere itself coming into consciousness. The Biosphere-Noosphere transition is not just a theory but is actually the process of human beings waking up within and according to the Law of Time. As the human beings who are waking up into the Law of Time slowly re-arrange their minds and their life-patterns according to the Law of Time - this is the actual event of evolution. This isn't just writing newspaper editorials or standing in the street with a sign that says, "I want a better world." This is becoming that better world. As I said, there is both a mental re-arrangement as well as a re-arrangement of our life pattern, like creating that big Law of Time control panel. You say, "I need so much time for that I have to give up my job. But how will I live? ... Oh! There's a few other people that have to do the same thing. Why don't we all quit our jobs, start a garden together, and then we will be able to have all the time we need to be at our Chrononautic control panels."
This is what we have to do.

While we are also talking about the Instruction Sheet here, I'd like to draw your attention to several other patterns. Again, this all has to do with our 4 is to 7. Of course you have here four weeks and each of them have seven plasmas. But you also have seven plasmas and they each have four different types. The first Plasma set is called the "analog plasmas." The second is the "antipode plasmas;" the third is the "occult plasmas," and the fourth set is the "unified field plasmas." So we have actually 28 plasma energy types. You have 64 DNA,and now we are activating 28 plasma energy types. We're coordinating the 64 DNA with the 28 plasma energy types. You'll have trouble keeping the top of your head on. So you have the four weeks, each with the seven types. Then you have the seven plasma types in four sets.

We also have the arrangement of the 28 days into seven sets of four {still demonstrating inside right of Instruction Sheet}. The master coordinating set is the set of four Towers - the first, the sixth, the 23rd, and the 28th (days) - you see that they are coordinated by these green lines. Then you have six four-day sets. The first one is the four days of the Earth Walk. Then once you are in the Cube, and within the Cube, you have four sets of four days each.

In the 7:7::7:7 these four sets are identified in the following manner. From days 7 to 10 you are in the Plane of Mind, where you are "Cultivating Clarity." In the second set, when you are in the plane of Spirit, from days 11 to 14, you are "Cultivating Radiance." In the third set, which corresponds to the Plane of Will, days 15 to 18, you are "Cultivating Unobstructedness." There is nothing that can obstruct you, and you can go through anything. So that is Clarity, Radiance, and Unobstructedness. Those define the fundamental qualities of the mind returned to its primal state. When we practice the meditation without an object you want to get to that state where everything is clear, everything is radiating, and there are no obstructions.

Then in the fourth stage, which corresponds to Telektonon, and we are in the first day of that today - that is where we are "Cultivating Wisdom." So someone says, "What's wisdom?" Wisdom, we can say, is knowing what to do on the spot so that nobody is unhappy and everybody is happy. That's wisdom. So we have the set of the Towers, that's the first four. The set of the Earth Walk, the second four. The four sets of the Cube, which are Clarity, Radiance, Unobstructedness, and Wisdom, then four days of the Heaven Walk. That way you can see that every moon is divided into four weeks with the seven Plasmas; the seven sets of Plasmas are divided into four sets; and also the 28 days of the moon can also be organized as seven sets of four. So everything is organized to the ratio 4 is to 7 as 7 is to 13.

When we are living by Alpha 19, Limi 20, or Silio 21, you will have forgotten what the word "job" means. Everything will be very different. We will be living in a whole other way. This is what we mean establishing the new Earth culture - that the new Earth culture is established and organized completely according to the Law of Time. It will seem that our minds can't get high enough into the galaxy. In this way we will see the lifestyle of the Earth Wizards will become more and more simple in terms of what we call the material organization of life. We will actually become physically more sedentary after having accelerated for 260 years, faster and faster, so more people at airports can make more money. That will all come to a stop.

We will find that instead of having to go fast, we won't need to go at all. We will be living in a much more sedentary way in small communities - communities organized by Earth Families, so that what we call work today will be the responsibility of your Earth Family every five days. Other forms of activity will become organized according to the Law of Time. We will spend much more time practicing the Pulsars and then experimenting with the forms of the different Clans. Of course, at our ever-growing control panel, which will be totally surrounded by crystals ... and we will have solar panels outside ... we'll find maybe it's better to live in a dome. We will find it very interesting to all go to sleep in that dome with the crystals in the center, and then see what we dream together ... and see then how far we can travel. That will be more satisfying then taking your car to the gas station every three days.

On the back side (of the Instruction Sheet) we have the ultimate - the Seven Earths. Lets go back inside for a minute ... {returns to inside of Instruction Sheet} Hang in there, we're not there yet! That was just a vision ... You can go far in a vision ... You will see that every single one of the 28 days is coded by one of the planets, either the Galactic-Karmic or Solar-Prophetic. You will find that the planet Earth and the planet Uranus, that is the Earth's protector twin, show up exactly seven times. They are illustrated (in the graphic) by a little Earth. On the first day, the sixth day, then when you are in the Cube: on the eighth day, the thirteenth day and the eighteenth day - then in the fourth week again on the 23rd and the 28th day. So these seven Earths, which include Uranus which - as you recall, in the 20 Solar Seals, Uranus is called Earth -Uranus is Earth and Spirit and the Earth is Human and Hand. The whole human, the Holon Human, is putting the Human, the Hand, the Earth, and the Spirit together. This is the complete Human who is living third-dimensionally on this Earth, and is beginning to live fourth-dimensionally on the other Earth, which is Uranus. This is the meaning of the opening of the Time Tunnels.

The seven Earths are referred to as the Seven UR Earths {returns to back side of Instruction Sheet}. This corresponds also to a verse in the Qur’an which says "Allah is he who created the seven Heavens and of the Earth the like thereof," of the Earth, the same number. In other words there are seven Heavens and there are seven Earths. This again corresponds to the seven-dimensional universe. It means that the sevendimensional universe is found within our Earth.

These seven Earths are also coded by another passage from the Qur’an which interestingly enough is Sura 91 (13 x 7). This Sura is entitled the Sun. So the sun is related to the pattern of the 7:13 constant, while the first seven verses of Sura 91 describe precisely the Seven UR Earths:

"1. By the Sun and it's growing brightness
2. By the Moon when it follows the sun
3. By the Day when it reveals its glory
4. By the Night when it draws its veil over it
5. By the Heaven and its making
6. By the Earth and its spreading out
7. And by the Soul and its perfection..."

So the seventh Earth is the soul itself. The purpose of the 20 Tablets and the 7:7::7:7 is not only to correct the genetic disorder, but in that process to perfect the human soul - and all of this is by the power of seven.

There is an interesting pattern that you will find in the coordination of the Seven UR Earths. The first UR Earth is called the Outer Earth, but it corresponds to the Last Moon five, the second UR Earth is called the Solar UR Earth, but it corresponds to the Last Moon four. The third UR Earth is called the Lunar UR Earth. The fourth one is called the Night UR Earth. So you have Outer Earth, a Solar Earth, a Lunar Earth, a Night Earth, and then a Day Earth - that's the fifth one that corresponds to the first Last Moon. Then you have the final two.

The Inner UR Earth six, which corresponds to the realm of the Ah Vuc Ti Cab - also the same as the Crystal Earth - which is the Crystal at the center of the Earth. This UR Earth six corresponds to the seventh Mystic Moon, and the seventh Last Moon. Then the final, the Heaven UR Earth corresponds to the Last Moon six. So the seven goes with the six which is thirteen, and the sixth goes with the seventh which is thirteen. Then the other ones follow a pattern: the fifth UR Earth goes with last Moon one which is six. The fourth UR Earth goes with the second last Moon which is six. The third UR Earth with the third last Moon which is six. The second UR Earth with the fourth last Moon which is six, and the first UR Earth with the fifth last Moon which is six. There is a lot more in that. That's the final revelation of the Seven UR Earths. That corresponds to the seven-dimensional universe. It's through the UR Earth in the center that you pass into the mirror universe. The seven black holes that we think we see in space are being seen by us because we can see them from inside. All of this is our projection and our invention.

So we draw back that projection and invention into ourselves and locate it all within ourselves and within our Earth. In that way we complete the perfection of the soul. We always have to remember, "Where are we?" From the point of Hunab Ku, which manifests the pulsation into the physical at the center of the galaxy, we are really far out. We're way out there. So we don't have to travel in space. We are traveling in space. We have to stabilize our spaceship and realize it's a Timeship. When we realize that it is a Timeship, we will then be accomplishing the next evolutionary wave. Well I think we'll take our "mientritas"...


Welcome back to Meditation number 23, the "Meditation on the Prophecy of the Biosolar Telepath Fulfilled." The revelation of the 7:7::7:7 occurred in two stages. The first stage revealed the fractal time compression, especially with regard to the seven last moons of the 13-Baktuns - and also seeing how the four weeks were coded by the Seven Radial Plasmas. This was very much connected to the revelation of the Ah Vuc Ti Cab, which was the Psi-Chrono Unit for the 21st day of the seventh moon. You might recall in the discussion of the terma and the terton - the terma being the hidden teaching, meaning that the teaching was hidden by someone long ago - and the terton is the one who finds the hidden teaching. In that discussion, with only a few exceptions, the terton is able to find the hidden teachings because of the relationship to a female or in the cases where the terton is female, with a male.

In that same year, the Overtone Seed Year, when it came to be the birthday of Bolon Ik, which always occurs on the fourteenth day of the Spectral Moon - on that year on her birthday she was the Red Crystal Earth. This was her 55th birthday and 55 and her galactic signature number 22 that adds up to 77 - and the Crystal Earth is Kin 77. I was marveling at that, and also that the Red Crystal Earth has the same oracle as the Red Resonant Earth. The Ah Vuc Ti Cab and the Crystal Earth, in other words, have the same oracle because they are both of the two-dot Overtone Pulsar. So the seven is two dots and a bar; and twelve is two dots and two bars. So all of that was striking me very strongly, and put me back into the center of the Earth with the Ah Vuc Ti Cab. Of course, the Red Crystal Earth would also be the center of the Earth.

As I was contemplating all that I picked up a book called Meditation Masters and Miracles by a Tibetan named Tulku Thondup. I opened that book, of course, to page 77 - and I saw there the "Seven Affirmations of Padmasambhava." I said: "Well, the synchronic order is very kind today because of the Kin 77 of Bolon Ik's birthday and the page 77 of the book Meditation Masters and Miracles - which is 7:7::7:7 if you put those two 77's together." There they were, the Seven Affirmations of Padmasambhava. When we talked about the streams of the terma and the terton there are really only two basic sources: Padmasambhava and Pacal Votan.

Now the first stage of the revelation of the 7:7::7:7 took me right back to the Book of the Seven Generations, which is actually a terma of Pacal Votan. So the second stage of the revelation took me to the Seven Affirmations of Padmasambhava, so then further terma was revealed. This was the terma of how to create the self-initiation and the selfempowerment.

In this way the Seven Seals of the Seven Radial Plasmas became connected with the seven Chakras. Up until now we had been working with the five Principle Chakras, which we continue working with when we follow the Overtone Chromatic. For instance, today, because it is a Gateway Family, we are activating the Root Chakra that is the Seed's Seal that is located at the South Pole. But with the Seven Affirmations of Padmasambhava, each of the radial plasmas is used to seal one of your seven chakras. These Seven Affirmations of Padmasambhava were supposedly uttered by Padmasambhava when he was born. He had a mystical birth, born in the middle of a lotus in the middle of what's called the "Milk Lake." The Milk Lake is like the Milky Way. When he was found in this miraculous state of birth, he was asked who he was and he gave the following response ...

There are seven stages of his response. I saw immediately that the seven stages of his response corresponded to the Seven Radial Plasmas. Then I understood how the Radial Plasmas could become integrated very deeply with your own personal being. So for the first Plasma Dali, the response of Padmasambhava was: "My father is intrinsic awareness." So then we say, "My father is intrinsic awareness. I feel the heat." Which corresponds to the thermic quality of Dali. Then to the second he said: "My mother is the ultimate sphere." So it says then for Seli, "My mother is the ultimate sphere. I see the light." Then he said, for the third stage: "My lineage is the union of intrinsic awareness and the ultimate sphere." So that then for the Gamma, it says, "My lineage is the union of intrinsic awareness and the ultimate sphere. I attain the power of peace." This is because of the integration of the mother and the father.

The fourth stage he said, "My name is the glorious lotus-born." "Padmasambhava," literally means lotus born, but it also symbolically means one who is self-purified. The lotus grows out of the muddy bottom of the water, but when it rises above the water it has a perfect form. That is the same with each one of us - that we are born out of a very dirty, muddy water of the 12:60 world, and when we submit ourselves to the synchronic order of the Law of Time, we become purified and self-perfected. So for the Kali we say, "My name is the glorious lotus-born. I catalyze the light-heat within."

Then for the last three he answers: "My country is the unborn ultimate sphere." This refers actually to the pure nature of all reality. All of reality is absolutely sacred. So for the Alpha, when we release the double Extended Electron, we say: "My country is the unborn ultimate sphere. I release the double Extended Electron at the South Pole." For the Limi, on the sixth stage Padmasambhava says: "I consume dualistic thoughts as food." This means that any aggressive thought or egotistical thought or anything that separates you from other people, yourself, or the world - when you have enough discipline of mind and you can recognize that when it comes up - you eat those dualistic thoughts. This is how you purify the Mental Electron at the North Pole. So for that sixth one it says, "I consume dualistic thoughts as food. I purify the Mental Electron at the North Pole." In that case, if you recall that all of our thoughts send out different charges, when we send out thoughts that are no longer dualistic, then we have the purified mental electron charge. Finally, the seventh stage, Padmasambhava says: "My role is to accomplish the actions of the Buddha." So for the Silio, the discharge, you put the Silio in the center of the Earth. You say, "My role is to accomplish the actions of the Buddha. I discharge the Mental Electron Neutron at the center of the Earth."

Buddha means enlightened mind. The teaching of the Buddha says that all mind is enlightened, that all mind has always been enlightened. It is only the egotistical thoughts and patterns that obscure the self-existing enlightened mind. This is the same as what it says in the Qur’an: before the creation, Allah calls together all the souls and he says to all the souls that are gathered before the creation, "Do you recognize who is the Creator?" And all the souls say, "We recognize that you are the Creator." Then he says, "Good. When you come to Judgement Day, you don't have an excuse." This knowledge is already imprinted in us, it is the same as saying the enlightened mind is always existing. It's just the karmic patterns and the egotistical thoughts that obscure that. Of course, we have to work a little bit at understanding this point and work a little harder in recognizing this as we see these patterns in our own mind and behavior.

So these "Seven Affirmations" - these all go with one of the seven chakras. So on the Dali day - which is always day 1, day 8, day 15, and day 22 - on those days you always say, "My father is intrinsic awareness. I feel the heat." And you take the Dali card - for instance, for this week the Dali card was card 15 - and you put that on your crown chakra. You put that right there {takes card and touches top of his head with it} and say, "My father is intrinsic awareness. I feel the heat." So then you have sealed the crown chakra with the Dali . Then, the second day when you say, "My mother is the ultimate sphere. I see the light" - for this week that would be the 16th, which is Seli 16 - you say, "My mother is the ultimate sphere. I see the light." And you place that (card) on your root chakra.

The program of the chakras goes from the crown to the root. Then the third one, the Gamma, which is "I attain the power of peace," that one goes to the third eye. The fourth one, the Kali, which is the, "I catalyze the light-heat within," goes to the secret center which is between the root chakra and the solar plexus. For instance, for today when we get to that one which is the Alpha, we say, "My country is the unborn ultimate sphere. I release the double extended electron at the South Pole." So that (card) goes to the throat chakra. Then tomorrow the Limi, when you purify the mental electron at the North Pole and consume dualistic thoughts, then that one goes to the solar plexus. The final one, which is the Silio, "My role is to accomplish the actions of the Buddha" - you put that one at your heart center.

In other words, the pattern goes from the crown, which is usually thought to be the seventh one, to the root, which is the first. Then to the third eye, which is the sixth, then down to the secret which is the second. Then it goes to the throat, which is the fifth., then down to the solar plexus, which is the third. Finally it goes to the heart, which is the fourth. You'll see the heart, which is the fourth position, is the seventh in the sequence - a theme we are quite familiar with at this point. We don't like to beat you over the head with it but there it is again. It's interesting, as we will see, that we also create a Radion Cube.

The Radion Cube is created differently from the Codon Cube. For instance, today in the Overtone Chromatic we have the root chakra, and in the radion Alpha, we have the throat chakra. So at different times we have different chakras that are being activated.

Sometimes it will be the same chakra. Also, when we are building the Cube - the Codon Cube, as you recall, starts at the bottom, then goes to the right side, then goes to the left side, then it goes to the back, then to the front, and to the top. The other Radion Cube goes in a different way. It starts at the top, then goes to the bottom, then goes to the front, then the fourth position goes to the back. On the fifth day it goes to the right side, then to the left side, and then, on the seventh day, goes to the center.

The Codon Cube and the Radion Cube have two points of contact when you are creating them - of course that is on the fourth day and the seventh day. On the fourth day you are on the back of the Codon Cube while the Radion Kali is on the back of the Radion Cube. Then on the seventh day you are putting the UR Rune into the center of the Cube and at the same time you are putting the Silio in the center of the Cube. So again here you have the 4 is to 7 as 7 is to 13.

That was the second stage of the revelation of the 7:7::7:7, which has to do with taking the Radion and activating your own chakra system on a daily basis. At the same time you are doing that, you are also going through stages of fractal time compression. All of this is because you are learning how to be Chrononauts - and you say, "What department is that located in?" Didn't you know - that's cosmic engineering!

Earth Wizards take these primary courses in cosmic engineering. Cosmic engineering has to do with engineering your own reality, which is the source of the cosmos. Anything you think about the cosmos and anything you feel about it is actually in your own mind. What you feel about it is in your own body. Nothing is really outside. All of it is part of one continuous flow. We are not creating any further forms of dualism. We are also learning how to completely re-arrange our reality according to the Law of Time, as they say, from the ground up. Your mind and body are the ground. We are building it from the ground up to envision a whole other order of reality, so that we can create a whole other order of the Earth - so we can restore the Earth to its cosmic course.

Of course, this means we have to have... more boards {now demonstrating 7:7::7:7 Fractal Time Compression Playing Board}. This is the 7:7::7:7 Plasma Fractal Time Compression Board. This Fractal Time Compression Board - so you don't get lost when your coming from the old order, you'll see the days of the week up there. But then, you'll see that Sunday is always Dali, Monday Seli, Tuesday Gamma, Wednesday Kali, Thursday is always Alpha - here we are Alpha 19! Friday is Limi, and Saturday is always Silio. You see how the towers are connected. Interesting since we are on day 23, with the theme of 23 ... the solar biotelepath loves the Navigation Tower ... You see: the first three days of every week there is a sensory quantum; the middle day is always the connecting link, the Catalyzing Kali; and the last three days you are always creating one telepathic quantum. So this creates the Fractal Time Compression Playing Board.

The first week is always the matrix Heptagonon of Mind. That matrix Heptagonon of Mind refers to the seven Katuns of the Book of the Seven Generations. Here you see the numbers of the generations and their Katun kin numbers {pointing to top row of Playing Board}. You find that the first solar witness is the White Crystal Wizard, and, for instance, that the seventh solar witness is the Yellow Overtone Sun. When we are in this second week, we are living through the Seven Years of Prophecy - from 1993 to the year 2000. We continue to live that all the way to 2013. It's like always taking a sweep and making sure that everything has actually been cleaned and everything has been remembered. When we get to the third week, this is the seven years of the Mystery of the Stone. This is the one week when we don't have the Kin 194 - for instance, the Dali 1, Dali 8, and Dali 22 are all coded by Kin 194 - but the Mystery of the Stone is purely with the Radial Plasmas for seven years. Then we get to the last week. Here we have the Seven Last Moons of the 13 Baktuns.

{Now indicating different sections of Playing Board} You'll see that the Earth Walk is very clear. Then the first four days, which are the Clarity of Mind of the Cube; the next four days which are the Radiance of Spirit; the next four days which are the Unobstructedness of the Will; then the last four days, which is the Telektonon, the Cultivation of Wisdom. Down here (then is) the Heaven Walk. The Earth Walk has to do with the placing of the instinctual order into the program of the Law of Time. The Heaven Walk has to do with placing the telepathic order into the Law of Time.

That's the basic program of the board. There's also quite a bit more information that is there to be studied. One thing I'll just point out that's very interesting. We have the numbers for the long count of the Katuns. For instance the first number is one of our favorite numbers:, and then 9.14 in the second position, all the way down to 9.19. When you add the two numbers that occur: 9.13 equals 22; 9.14 equals 23; 9.15 equals 24; all the way down to 9.19 equals 28. The code of the last week - days 22-28, when the solar witnesses return - is already in the sum of the long count numbers. Also, if the first generation and the first solar witness was Kin 194, that lost generation is awakened in the second week and the third week completely disappears because it goes into the Mystery of the Stone. But in the fourth week it reappears as the Solar Witness and the day that accords with the number of the sum of the Long Count date. So that's a little bit about the Playing Board.

Of course with the Board you need to have some cards. Now you have the 52 cards of the Telektonon, and then you have the 28 cards of the 7:7::7:7. The cards of the first week are basically red because the first week is the red knowledge initiates view. Then the second week the cards are white because the white humility refines meditation. Then the week in which we are right now, which is the third week, of course, is blue, which is blue patience transforms conduct - just as our conduct and our patience are being transformed by our tolerance of the flies {brushes flies away from microphone and face}. You have to be in contact with reality, you can't ignore it. Then the fourth week is going to be yellow power ripens the fruit. These four colors, of course, correspond to the four color cards of the Telektonon. In the first week of the Telektonon you always have the red card out, in the second week you always have out the white card, the third week the blue card, and the fourth week the yellow card.

When you look at the cards of the 7:7::7:7 you'll see the blue week has blue cards - that's one constant. Then we have the yellow seal, the Alpha, that is the constant of the seal, the Plasma. So every Alpha day is going to have an Alpha in the center, but there is going to be a white, a red, a blue, or a yellow Alpha week. Now we are getting to the point of distinguishing or defining the 28 types of Radial Plasma. They are distinguished by the color pattern. So today you have the yellow constant of the Alpha Plasma and you have the blue constant of the third week.

Then you have a hexagon cube form in the center, and that's the third level of patterning- and that is coordinated by the planet. There's 20 possibilities - they are either Solar-Prophetic or Galactic-Karmic. For instance today, we know from Tablet Thirteen, it says "Skywalker Prophecy Cube 13." That's because the thirteenth position of the Cube is coded by the Skywalker. The Skywalker represents Solar-Prophetic Mars, which is the red color, so right there it says: "SP Mars." So those are the three constants: the seal constant, the week constant, and the planetary constant. Then, of course, you have the moving daily Kin, so for instance today is Yellow Seed, so you have to put that in there and see: the yellow corresponds to the Yellow Alpha.
そして、中央に六角形の立方体の形があり、パターン化の第三レベルに当たるもので、それは惑星によって調整されます。それには20の可能性があり、太陽の預言的あるいは銀河のカルマ的な別もあります。今日の例でいうと、今日は銘板13から「空歩く者 預言 立方体13」だと分かります。立方体の13番目の位置は空歩く者でコード化されているからです。空歩く者は太陽の預言的な火星に当たり、赤い色です。だから(19日の)カードには「SP火星」と書かれています。以上のように、そこには三つの色があります。封印の色、週の色、そして惑星を占める紋章の色です。もちろん毎日の運命キンの色もあります。今日であれば黄色い種ですので、黄色いアルファと同じ色になっています。

Those are the color constants which, together, create the 28 different types of Plasma. Each plasma has different qualities of color. We also have - in terms of when we lay out the cards - that as you go through the week that, for instance, we are now in this week: so as you go through the week you leave the card there. We have the fifteenth, the sixteenth, the seventeenth, and the eighteenth, so those cards are out and they are face up. Today we are on the nineteenth day. When you are done doing the affirmation, for instance, today you say: "My country is the unborn ultimate sphere. I release the double Extended Electron at the South Pole." Then you place that at your throat chakra, the vissudha chakra {demonstrates placing card at throat center}.

When you are done doing that, you place that card on top of the remaining cards with the back up, facing up like that {demonstrates with cards}. So you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cards laid out there. Also for every day - this is an Alpha day - you also lay out the Alpha line vertically, there {indicating two positions above Alpha 19: Alpha 12 and Alpha 5}. You see how much Alpha you have coordinated and charged for the moon, as well as how far you have gotten in creating the Heptagonon of Mind for the week.

You are always coordinating the creation of the Heptagonon of Mind of the week with the Radial Plasma for any given day. For instance, yesterday, we would have had the first four cards (of the week) laid out, and would have put the two other Kali cards right there{indicating Kali 11 and Kali 4 positions}. Tomorrow we will be on the Limi, so then we will take this card and put it back like this {places LImi 20 card back side up}. The Alpha 19 - we will take that and put it front up, and you'll have all five of these front up, Then the Limi - after doing the affirmation, you'll place it with the back facing up and then you'll take away the two Alphas, and put up the two other Limis. Okay? So that's basically how that works.

Today then we have seven cards that are showing. You have the five cards for this week , plus the two (other) Alpha cards. That's how you are always coordinating the creation of the weekly Heptagonon of Mind with the flow of the Radial Plasma. That's just another simple thing that you do along with all the other simple things that you do. You do lots and lots and lots of simple things, put them all together, and then go find your Earth Family and babble numbers at them ... "Did you notice what I found out today?" Then you can add them up. It's always interesting that Alpha is: 5, 12, and 19. You can always add those up and see what you get with that. So with the three Alphas we have create the number 36, which is 4 x 9 ... and so on and so forth.

That's basically how the Plasma Board is used. I've also described how the Radion Cube is created. For instance, we can review again today, that in the Codon Cube we have gotten to the fifth line - so the Codon Cube is all complete except for the top. The fifth line is the front face of the Codon Cube, and we have already created the sides, the bottom, and the back. In the Radion Cube the fifth position is the right side, so the side that remains open in the Radion Cube is the left side. Tomorrow we will complete the left side of the Radion Cube and the top side of the Codon Cube. You want to know where these Cubes are in relationship with each other. It says in the text that the Radion Cube fits over the Codon Cube like a glove over a hand. In other words, you have the Codon Cube on the inside and just on the outside you have the Radion Cube.

This is what we meant by saying we are all going to be Cubic Holons. Now we have cubed the DNA. We have now also cubed the seven Radial Plasmas. The DNA is the organic order, which is the basis, and forms the inner cube. The Radion Cube is the perceptual order, so that it is placed around the Codon Cube. Now actually these are very simple visualizations once you get them. Again, we know it's easy to visualize anything. Try to visualize ice cream right now. No problem. Hey ... visualize a Radion Cube over a Codon Cube. The Codon Cube is the cone and the Radion Cube is the ice cream. It's just like that.

Every week, then, we are creating a number of different levels. We are creating, each week, a different Heptagonon of Mind. The first week is the Matrix Heptagonon of Mind, which corresponds to the seven last Katuns of the great Mayan civilization and the development of the Mayan time science. For that reason it is referred to as the Matrix Heptagonon of Mind. It was established as the Book of the Seven Generations.

Then the second week you are creating the Heptagonon of Mind of Heaven. That is the Heptagonon of Mind that we place around the Earth at the time of the Rainbow Bridge. Then the third week we are creating the Heptagonon of Mind of Earth. That is the Heptagonon of Mind that we place around the center of the Earth. Then in the fourth week we are creating the Inner Heptagon of Mind, which is also referred to as the 144,000 cubed within. That is the Cube placed around each one of us.

So you have the vast Matrix Heptagonon of Mind, and then the less vast Heptagonon of Mind of Heaven; then the very concrete Heptagonon of Mind of Earth around the core of the Earth, and then the little inner Heptagonon of Mind which is the Heptagonon of Mind which we place around ourselves. Actually we place all of those in our hearts, and that is referred to as the perfection of the human soul.

There is also one other aspect that we must mention that is related to the process of the 7:7::7:7 ... and that has to do with the self-initiation aspect. Every week you make the self-initiation of the seven chakras. That means at the end of every week you have a whole other complete initiation.

The first week when you are complete with that first week and you are inside your Codon Cube, and your Codon Cube is inside your Radion Cube, and your UR Rune is radiating from your heart - super-imposed over that is the Silio plasma - and that is all radiating towards the center of the earth. When you get to that point, then you complete a whole initiation of the Heptagonon of Mind. In the first week, you complete what is called the outer initiation. The second week you complete the inner initiation. The third week you complete the secret initiation. Then the fourth week you actually have two initiations. The first one is simply called "that". It has no name beyond "that." The very nature of reality is "that." If you slice reality every single way all that's going to be there is going to be "that." Nothing else, that's it. Then, within "that" is what is called the "Quintessential". "Quint" means from the power of five and that's the essence of the Fifth Force. That's because in the fourth week you are coordinating both the Seven Last Moons of the 13 Baktuns which gives you "That" initiation; then you are also coordinating, at the same time, the Seven Mystic Moons to Launch the Timeship - which is to synchronize yourself with the Fifth Force - and that is the Quintessential initiation.

Furthermore, we have a Moon Value and a Radion Value. In the first week every Katun equals 260 moons, so the Radion value then comes from that moon number. So for that week, each of the seven Radial Plasmas has a Radion Value of 260. Then you have the cumulative Moon Value. The first day the Moon Value is 260 and the Radion Value is 260. Then the second day of that first week, the Radion Value remains 260 because it's just for that Radion, but the Moon Value accumulates - Instead of 260 it's 520. So the first week the Radion Value is 260 and when you get to the end of that week your accumulated Moon Value is 1,820 (7 x 260).

Now the next week. You have already established the Radion Value of 260, but then you have a new Moon Value. Since every day that (second) week, by fractal time compression, is only one year, that means that the Moon Value increases only by 13. So that gives you 260 plus 13 is 273 - so the Radion Value all that week is 273. Each day equals one year. There are 13 Moons a year, so the first day of the second week it says cumulative Moon Value 13. The second day says, Moon Value 26 Radion Value 273. So that when you get the end of that week, 7 x 13 is 91, so that the accumulated Moon Value is 91, while the Radion Value is still 273.

Now when we get to the third week, where we are now, and we look at our card, it says on the bottom 286. That's because the Moon Value again increases by 13 because each of these cards equals 1 year of 13 moons. We have (an increase of Radion Value) then from 273 to 286, while the Accumulated Moon Value remains the same. Since this is the fifth day of the week and the Moon Value is thirteen, the cumulative Moon Value is 65 (13 x 5), over the Radion Value of 286. When we get to the last week, every day is only equal to one moon, so the Radion Value is 287 and the Moon Value is only 1.

So that when you get to the last day of the week, which is day 28 - it's the seventh day of that week, 2, 8, and 7 - the Radion Value is 287 and the accumulated Moon Value is 7. But then when you turn over the card for the last week, and you have also Seven Mystic Moons. With the Seven Mystic Moons, each day has its accumulated Radion as 287 plus 1, which is 288 - or 144 x 2, which is called the Harmonic of Polar Light. That's because at the end of the 2012-2013 year you arrive at a position of releasing the other half of the Planetary Manitou. Each Planetary Manitou has a value of 144. So the 288, the mystic Moon Value of every day of that last week corresponds to the completion of the entire Planetary Manitou. So with the Mystic Moon Value every day of that week becomes 288, and the accumulated Moon Value is another 7.

Now I realize that's quite a deal for your brain, to get all those numbers. But it's really very logical. If you stop and look at all the numbers I've just told you, you'll find many more marvels. When we take for instance, you're not done yet ... I don't care how many flies there are here ... this is good for the flies, they'll go back and say "Wow! Did we hear a teaching today. We're all going to get cubed, too. Imagine, flies in a cube!" They'll say, "Really, you must be crazy." See, they treat fly messengers the same as human messengers - call them "crazy." OK ... We are not done ... a little bit more ...

When you add the accumulated Moon Values - the first week is 1820; the second week is 91; the third week is 91. You'll see that those two 91's are 182, fractal of 1820. Then in the fourth week you have 7 twice. When you add up 1820 plus 91 plus 91 plus 7 plus 7 the number you get is 2016 - the difference between that number and the number of Psi-Chrono Units (2080) - that is exactly 64, the number of the DNA. The 2016 is the perceptual order. Then you add the 64 of the organic order and you get the 2,080 Psi-Chrono Units. So at the end of each week when you have your different initiations: the end of the first week, you create an analog time atom; the second week you create an antipode time atom; the third week you create an occult time atom; and then the fourth week, you create a unified field time atom.

The first week you create one triangular sensory quantum and one triangular telepathic quantum. You do the same in the second week - then you have created four triangles by the time you get to day fourteen. Then you put those four triangles together and you get one tetrahedron. So on the fourteenth day, not only are you Cubed twice, but you also will have become a tetrahedron. You place that tetrahedron around your two Cubes. This happens again when you get to day 28, and you place another tetrahedron around your two Cubes. Your two tetrahedra have eight faces so that on the 28th day you take the eight faces of the tetrahedra, and create the big octahedron, that also has the eight faces.

Then you take your time atoms - you take your analog time atom, and your occult time atom, and they go on the polar axis of the octahedron. The analog time atom is in the northern half and it is rotating clockwise. You take the occult time atom and you place it in the lower polar half of the polar axis, and it is rotating counterclockwise. This creates the polar axis with the time atoms in the octahedron, which is your red time atom and your blue one. Those, of course, are antipode colors. Then you take your white time atom and your yellow time atom, which are also antipode colors, and you place them on a horizontal plane (in the center of the octahedron). They create the gravitational field within the octahedron in the center of the Earth. In other words, your crystal octahedron has two time atoms on the vertical axis rotating in opposite directions to each other. Then the yellow and the white time atoms are in a horizontal plane rotating around and creating the gravitational field. They remain constant to stabilize the gravitational field.

That pretty much completes the description of the process which everybody perfectly remembers right now. {Pacal Votan poster falls to floor} ... We needed an exclamation mark! It is very important. I know that no one can take all that in, but the recording angels require of me to make as complete a description of this as possible so that it goes into the Psi-Chrono Unit of today. In other words, the vibrations of the words and what has been spoken are imprinted into the Psi-Chrono Unit. Every time that Psi-Chrono Unit shows up, that is already recorded in there. At some point, what I am saying, people will be born with. It will be part of their program. They won't need Dr. Arcturus beating them over the head with: "4 is to 7 as 7 is to 13!" Just to prove how it all works, here is a vintage photo of Dr. Arcturus with Kin 91, who is otherwise known as Alberto Ruz. He is Mono Cosmico. Here he is in a photograph with Dr. Arcturus, so we could illustrate how the Psi-Chrono Unit holds the patterns of the day, lets them drift down like snowflakes as demonstrations to all the budding Chrononauts of Chrononautics 401 in the department of Cosmic Engineering of the Invisible College of the Earth Wizards Seminary. Thank You.
以上、みなさんが完全に覚えているプロセスの全部の説明です。(パカル・ヴォタンのポスターが床に落ちる。)感嘆符が必要です。これは非常に重要です。誰も全部を把握することはできないことは知っていますが、記録の天使が、今日のサイ時間単位に入るように、私にできるだけ完全な説明をすることを求めたのです。繰り返しますが、言葉の波動や話したことはサイ時間単位の中に刻み込まれます。サイ時間単位が現われるときはいつも、既にそこには記録があるのです。あるところで、人々はともに生まれるだろうと私は言っています。それは彼らのプログラムの一部になるでしょう。彼らはアルクトゥルス博士に「7に対する4は13に対する7と同等である」と頭を殴られる必要はないのかもしれません。それがどのように働いているかを証明するために、ここにアルクトゥルス博士とアルベルト・ルスとして知られるキン91の人が一緒に写っている年代ものの写真があります。彼はMono Cosmico(単一宇宙の?)です。この写真には彼がアルクトゥルス博士とともに写っていますから、我々はその日のパターンをサイ時間単位がいかに保持しているかを示すことができます。地球の魔法使いの見えない大学の宇宙工学部にある宇宙航行学401にいる全ての新進の宇宙航行士に彼らを雪のように積もらせて、知識を提示してもらいましょう。ありがとうございました。

Bolon Ik: Remember the Rinri, "Do not forget the origin nor neglect the completion." Just think about our first week here. Wow! We were a bunch of wild Indians right? Now as Chrononauts we are really beginning to radiate. Remember all of this cannot happen unless we live in the 13 Moon Calendar. Our confidence comes because now we have seen the vision, as Votan said, that the babies will be born with this knowledge. We are all World-Bridgers because we are leaving the 12:60 world to prepare ourselves to be ready for the New World that is coming in. Now you can tell why I have constantly been talking about our personal discipline, leaving the backpack of our ego tricks behind, and why we have to practice being in the present moment, alert and ready to vibrate in the new time. I can feel everyone's joy and happiness, there is excitement when anything new comes. So now just remember to keep our balance. We have to stay in the present moment.

In the way that everything happens perfectly, we had just sent the final proofs for the 7:7::7:7 out to Hong Kong. It will only be 30 Kin, maybe 40 Kin before you will be able to receive the kits of the 7:7::7:7. Votan is compassionate. He is not trying to torture us with this new material. He just created another set of working tools for us to use. In his first description, the vision - how we can actually create our radiosonic room with all of the fourth-dimensional tools - is how we can really begin to teach others around the planet and live the new time. Now we've also found out that when you only have to work on your Earth Family day to help others, and the other four days you are receiving a lot of help from those who are guiding the day - you can see how much easier actually the way will be when we live according to our Earth Families. In order not to forget the completion, we should all be thinking very hard of precisely what steps we will take when we leave here in order to actually model the time of the 13 Moons. And that's it ...

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