Sixth Breath, Leaf of the Transcendence, Week Six
Meditations 21-24: 7:7::7:7, Science of Telepathy, Perceptual Order
Core Curriculum: World Languages, Culture and Spirituality

Twenty-second Meditation: Learning Pattern; Humility Refines Meditation
7:7::7:7 - Cubic Parton, Heptagonon of Mind and the Principle of Time Compression
5 Wind

Bolon Ik: As-Salaam-Alaikum! Welcome beautiful Planetary Kin to this meditation 22. I must wish you all a Happy Magic Turtle Day! This is the day when we can turn the card for the Overtone Peacock Moon over to the other side which is the Tone 5 for the day. This is why it is called a Magic Turtle Day.
ボロン・イク: アッサラーム・アライクム!素晴らしい惑星キンの皆さん、瞑想22にようこそ。魔術の亀の日、おめでとうございます。今日は倍音のクジャクの月のカードを裏返して、今日の音5のカードを使います。それが魔術の亀の日と呼ばれる理由です。

Today is the Day of the Mystery in this week of Transcendence. Gamma day pacifies. The learning pattern will be taught today, and the saying for today, "humility refines meditation."

You may have noted by now that today we are on the third day that the Radion matches the color of the Kin for the day. So today is the day of the White Root Race and Gamma is also white. So today the White Root Race refines the Fourth- Dimensional Time Pulsar and the White Root Race holds the command Tower. So this position commands the White Wavespell Fourth-Dimensional Time Pulsar. Remember: Because today is the Overtone day we are guided by the Dog, which is Love, and the Destiny Kin for this Wavespell on the Cosmic day will also be Dog.

Today is Kin 122, White Overtone Wind

I empower in order to communicate
Commanding breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of heart

Then from the Telektonon prophecy book:

"Nah Chan, the Palace of Bolon Ik"

"Oh Children of the People of the Dawn, oh Children of the People of the Book, I come as the special witness of time to remind you, especially on the Day of Truth, that in your origin you are one, and on the Day of Truth you are to make yourselves one again. For this I remind you of the Cube of the Law, Telektonon, the 28-day 13 Moon way which is the Path of the Righteous. Nah Chan, Palenque, Xibalbay, Tollan, Xochicalco, Tepozteco, Amatlan, in these signs dwell my special agents, the witnesses of truth, 13 66 56 and Bolon Ik, Daughter of Job. For those with eyes, with open mind and sincere heart, this teaching is complete in every stone alignment and marking of the star command base now called Palenque. New Jerusalem is the Palace of Bolon Ik, whose number is 1728, 144 x 12, Cube of the Law. Seventeen is the power of Heaven, Solar Uranus. 28 is the power of Telektonon, the Spirit Tower of the power of 7 times 4. Never forget, Children of the Day of Truth: all is number, God is number, God is in all. And everything there in the Palace is laid out four-square from the cord of Heaven which is the command of the Telektonon, 'Divine word never uttered until the Day of Truth.' In that Palace four-square is the Tower of the Cube of the Law."

Each one of us as a Kin joins Heaven above with Earth below. I will speak personally about my path as Bolon Ik to give the commentary on why the words state that the special agents, the Witnesses of Truth, "Agent 13 66 56" and "Bolon Ik Daughter of Job." Votan has totally described those numbers that relate to his path. The part that says Bolon Ik, Daughter of Job, comes from my own experience when I was 16 years old.
私たちひとり一人はキンとして、地球を下方とした、上方の天につながっています。私は、並はずれたエージェントたちとか、真実の証人、13.66.56のエージェント、ボロン・イク ヨブの娘という言葉がなぜ書かれてあるのかに関して、ボロン・イクとして私が歩んできた道についてお話ししたいと思います。ヴァルム・ヴォタンは、彼の人生についてまわったこれらの数字について全てを記述してきました。ボロン・イク、ヨブの娘と書かれている箇所は、16歳のときの私自身の体験に基づくものです。

I was the granddaughter of a Grand Mason in the Masonic order. I was chosen and I became crowned as the Honored Queen of the Job's Daughters. It was very beautiful - this experience - because there was a great formality. I actually wore a white satin robe and a purple cape, and I was literally crowned with a beautiful gold crown. In this way the path is already laid out for us, as Votan spoke yesterday. During my youth, I experienced many situations of being a leader and I was born with a tremendous energy and I was always smiling. So I very humbly share with you that I was very well prepared for the mission that I would have to take on, in traveling around the planet to deliver the message.

Now, of course, when I was crowned Honored Queen of Bethel Number 119, I had no idea that I would be here telling you this story today, a few days after Kin 119. So as we have said, today is the day of the Mystery. Very often we really don't know, each one of us, what will be around the corner in our Destiny. This is why it is best if we carry our appreciation with us always. Usually we don't know the whole story until quite a bit of time later, and in this way, we are always shown that the divine pattern is working us.

Finally to complete the reading for the synchronic order in the 260 Postulates, Postulate 2.5.
"The comprehensive whole-system experience of the Galactic Brain at any given moment due to the full spectrum variability of the disposition of the stellar masses throughout the entire field is supremely aesthetic in its nature."

As Bolon Ik I want to thank each and every one of you for your presence today. Now we turn to the subject for today, the 7:7::7:7 Cubic Parton, Heptagonon of Mind, and the Principle of Time Compression.

Valum Votan: Greetings once again, fellow Velatropans! We are now going to enter into Meditation number 22. So prepare to put the diskette into your mainframe. "Shiiuuu...!" Now on the screen it says: "The Prophecy of Time and the Winds of Change." This is the meditation that we are entering into very deeply. Of course, because it is the day Overtone Wind, we should expect the winds of change to blow both more intensely and more interdimensionally. Because they are blowing so strongly we could think of change in a number of ways right now.

First of all change your habits. When you change your habits you can improve your memory. When you don't change your habits, your memory does not improve. When you improve your memory then you can arouse your instincts. When you can arouse your instincts then you can awaken your telepathy. First of all you must change your habits. Change the habits of 12:60 patterns of thought so that we can awaken the cosmic memory, so we can arouse our solar instincts, so that we can awaken our galactic telepathy. This is what is meant by the winds of change.

We should really understand that we have no choice. That's why I said yesterday, surrender. The fact of the matter is that the pole shift is already in process. In the last 100 years the South Magnetic Pole moved over 900 kilometers into the Indian Ocean. The North Magnetic Pole is moving at an even faster rate into Siberia. This is an irreversible process. There is no way of resisting the fact that the electromagnetic and the geomagnetic field is altering rapidly. These irreversible changes will be having very drastic effects on our climate and in the whole geo-chemical nature of the atmosphere. This means that all of life is in the process of being re-organized. So the cities that the humans are living in will soon be fossils. For this reason we have to change our habits, improve our memory, arouse our instincts, and awaken our telepathy. These are actually scientific proofs.

We can also say there is no solar excitation without the initiation of the bio-solar telepath. This is, of course, one of the great themes of the coming of the Law of Time. In all actuality, from a point that is very clear now, the Supernova 1987-A, as I mentioned before, was the first supernova since before the beginning of the 13th Baktun. We've referred to that as the Quetzalcoatl Supernova, because this supernova came in conjunction with the closing of the Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl. This also announced the closing of the large cycle from 1987 to 2012 - 25 years to 2012, and 26 years to 2013. It was very clear that the supernova was a cosmic announcement that was saying, "Pay attention!" That supernova, ten years later, had a great period of excitation, ejecting rings. Again, ten years after that in 2007 it will have a final explosion.

Of course, what is a supernova? Usually the scientists say that a supernova is the final stage of a star. That seems certainly to be the case, and it usually seems to be the destiny of every star. Our sun, Kinich Ahau, Velatropa 24, is also on the path to becoming, at some point, a supernova. But this is only from the third-dimensional point of view. From the fourth-dimensional and the higher point of view, the supernova represents a state of a profound attainment of enlightenment. When the star reaches that state, all the intelligence and the mind and the consciousness that has evolved in that system comes to a point of saying, "Now ... all together ... Bhhhhhhhhhh ... !" And then, "Boom!" over and out. There is tremendous ejection of cosmic radiation, of all sorts of electronic plasmas, and the creation of all sorts of phenomena that are absolutely unimaginable.
超新星とは何でしょうか? 一般的に、超新星とは星の最終段階であると科学者は言います。確かに事実だろうと思えますし、一般にあらゆる星の運命であるように見えます。私たちの太陽、キニチ・アハウ、ヴェラトローパ24もまた、ある意味、超新星になっている途中です。しかし、これは三次元的な視点に基づくものに過ぎません。四次元的な高次の視点から見ると、この超新星は、大きな啓発へ到達した状態を象徴するものです。星がこの段階に至れば、そのシステムで発達してきた知性や心や意識は、こう言うポイントにやって来ます。「さあ、、みんな一緒に、、ブゥーーン、、」。そして、「バーン」通信終了。電気プラズマのすさまじい宇宙放射線が噴出し、そして想像もできないような現象が発生します。

So ten years after the beginning of the supernova we were able to see that the explosion ejected huge rings and these rings, like what you see in a gyroscope with one ring like this and another ring like this {demonstrating with little globe}, perpendicular, traveling outward expanding at a very great rate of speed. So you could see all the collective consciousness and mind of that star system saying, "Make sure you eject all the plasma to the planets and star systems that need it the most. Give them a vision. Give them a vision of rings that are traveling and taking on many colors." [tape break]

This is the point of view of the supernova from the fourth dimension and fifth dimensions. This is the point of view that is developed in then 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time. It is very interesting that within this period of 1987 to the present that the observation of what are called Heliospheric Anomalies have been of an unprecedented nature: the coronal mass ejections of the sun, the increase of the density of the Heliospheric mantle - what that refers to is the electromagnetic mantle that is around the entire solar system. Especially in the outer planets (there have been) a number of strange phenomena - electromagnetic perturbations on Pluto. On Neptune and Uranus, which seem to have a very close relationship, there seem to have been Pole Shifts. Also, the electromagnetic field of Uranus has increased some 200 percent. Of course, we also know that in Jupiter, the Shoemaker-Levy Comet of 1994 had very great effects on the electromagnetic field of that planet as well as that of its moons. Jupiter is now ejecting great amounts of plasmic material, and all of these phenomena have been also occurring as the sun itself is undergoing great change.

These changes are also very strongly felt on Earth. The matter of the Earth, of all the planets of the sun, is most effected by magnetic disturbances. All of this has been occurring in the last ten or thirteen years. As these changes are occurring, according to the Law of Time, there can be no perturbation of a physical magnitude without there being a perturbation of an equal psychic magnitude. Actually, from the point of view of the Law of Time, the universe is first mental in nature. So when we talk about the big galactic shift or the big galactic ripple its not because something physical first happened. It's just that in the mind of God there was a little shift of thought. Some kind of feedback caused the Mind of God to adjust; and then this adjustment goes rippling down through all the levels of the universe until it reaches our planet here. But at the same time, there is also a psychical shift that is occurring.

I'd like to talk about this in relationship to the synchronic order. Once again, when I woke up this morning and I reviewed the synchronic order of the moment, it took me to a point exactly sixteen years ago to the day. I went and looked on the Compass and saw that on that day, sixteen years ago, in 1983, it was the day Lunar Wind. It was on that day that I was visiting some people in the city of Los Angeles and these people said, "Well, please stay for the afternoon because some scientists are coming." So I stayed and among the people who came was a man named Richard Hoagland.

Richard Hoagland had been a science investigator and writer who had been with NASA in 1976, when the Viking Space Probe sent back pictures from Mars including the now very famous and controversial "Face on Mars." I had remembered a little bit about this because when it first occurred in 1976, it did leak out. So when Richard Hoagland said he had all the original photos of this that he wished to show, I was extremely curious. When he brought them out and showed the "Face of Mars," I experienced a 10.0 earthquake in my brain. I think that in one second I had a million years of cosmic memory re-awakened. I felt an equal number of years of false intellectual history fall into the garbage can. I had never experienced a greater shock of recognition in my whole life. It was if I had always known of this and was finally being reminded again.

It was interesting because afterwards - I was in Los Angeles five more days - and after I had seen this I couldn't shake it out of my mind, of course. I was so emotionally taken that I cried a lot. I knew that there was a profound message in this "face." It was exactly five days later after I had seen this ... maybe four days, it was December 5th. On the night before, I had been speaking at the Whole Life Expo which was on December 4th - that was the first time I met the maestro, Domingo Diaz Porta, who had been brought to hear my talk. It was the next morning when I was returning my rent-a-car to the Los Angeles Airport that I was driving down Wilshire Boulevard and I had such a strong vision at that moment, I had to pull into the nearest parking lot so I wouldn't have a car accident . When I got to the parking lot I took out a notebook and made a drawing of the vision. This vision showed a circle of people lying on their back with their heads towards the center of the circle where there was like a fire. I saw that this was the vision of August 16th, 1987. I knew that this was how the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl was to be completed. I saw all these faces looking up to the sky just like the Face of Mars looks up at the sky.

It was very interesting to me that the "Face of Mars" and the vision of the Harmonic Convergence were so closely connected, because this was all a part of the waking up. I saw that this event on Mars, and the event of the completion of the prophecy - and that also, just before the prophecy event there was the sighting of the supernova - all of these were very connected. They were all part of the synchronic order. When something like the supernova occurs there are vibrations and forms of plasmic radiation that actually enter into the atmosphere and actually affect our nervous system. Because of that some of us experience a type of memory. So all of us became a very unified event in me ... the vision of the "Face on Mars," the supernova, the completion of the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl...

I mentioned yesterday about the number 24 - the 24, which was the date of my Gregorian birthday that is also the star, Velatropa 24. I found in the Holy Qur’an in Chapter 21, which is called the "Prophets," verse 24 ... a little statement that I took very personally: "This is the message to my generations consummating all previous messages." This is my message as the UR Terton, because the message I have brought brings all the prophecies together and it also is riding the waves of the Heliospheric expansion and disturbance.

It is also interesting to me... I was talking to Alexander (from Venezuela) ... He was telling me a dream he had. In this dream he was with some anthropologists in the crypt, in the tomb of Pacal Votan. They were having a discussion of how old Pacal Votan was when he died, or exactly when he died. Then, as he was telling me that, I had a big flash of "Ah-hah!" Yesterday morning I had been talking with Bolon Ik and saying, "Well, it seemed actually that all of this process began for me actually in 1983." Particularly with the seeing of the "Face of Mars," which also led to the vision of the Harmonic Convergence. Then I understood why. Because Pacal Votan left his body in the year 683, it was actually 1,300 years later in 1983. So I saw that again the alarm clock was set to go off in my DNA. The Big Puppeteer upstairs was moving me in different places and said, "Hey, go to Los Angeles right now!" And He took Richard Hoagland and said, "Hey, you, go to Los Angeles right now!" So then we had that point (of contact). And someplace else, Pacal Votan was smiling, because it was shortly after this that Pacal Votan actually began to come to me.

This is part of all of this process. Now I realize, especially after the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, that I was becoming a bio-solar telepath. The stages of the awakening of my consciousness were moving along with the stages of the stellar excitation. I mentioned how the whole cycle of the 20 Tablets was a cycle of 91 days - that the beginning of the revelation and the end of the revelation both corresponded to massive coronal mass ejections. Even before the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, I had written down the 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time. All of that describes the Dynamic of Time as the evolution of consciousness, and the evolution of consciousness cannot be separated from the stages of stellar excitation or evolution.

So when we get to talking about the stage of the supernova, we are actually talking about a point at which there is a supreme moment of consciousness. At that moment, by supreme effort of conscious will, masses of energy, plasma, and thought are ejected into the universe - very consciously directed to certain points within the universe, so that in a little, lonely far-away planet like ours, a little lonely far-away speck of dust like myself can sit and say, "Oh, yes .. Hello. Message. Of course ... I get it ... I'll do it ... Thank you." {Demonstrates holding the transmitter and receiver of a telecommunication device}

People want to know how these things happen. It's just like that. In the 1970's I used to be with my children and they would want to go to strange places like McDonalds or the International House of Pancakes. I was always, what they call, a soft dad. But it was strange. They would take me to these places and I would start to hear voices in my head and I would start talking to these voices, much to the embarrassment of my children. But I would say to them, "That's what you get for taking me to these strange places!" I later realized that those voices in my head were some of my guides really trying to contact me, but I was still in such a quasi-12:60 state that I wasn't sure about them. The one thing that I did notice about them is that they always came from a parallel universe and they were always presenting me philosophies of profound logic. Later on I realized that they were all true.

This is all by way of saying that this is the message to my generation and it consummates all previous messages. The high level of electromagnetic saturation that the heliosphere is experiencing is then continuously stepped-down to the planets where, as I said, a particular little speck of dust like myself is able to receive.

The Russian scientist, Alexey Dmitriev, has in recent years summarized and synthesized the effects of the changes of the solar system and in our planet in a manner that is very parallel to that of his predecessor, Vladimir Vernadsky. In fact, Dmitriev assumes Vernadsky's Biospheric model and then extends that model of the Biosphere to the heliosphere. But this is only natural if you are working with a whole systems science, that you go from a smaller whole to a greater whole. So the work in synthesizing all of these heliospheric excitements over the last fifteen years has led Dmitriev to make some interesting generalizations.

He speaks about the PlanetoPhysical state of life and the Earth. In the description of the PlanetoPhysical state of the Earth and life it is inseparable from the changes that are occurring in the sun and in the heliosphere. He describes the need to have a radically new vision of the cosmos which he refers to as the plasma-universe model. He identifies that in the process of the heliospheric excitation, it is the creation and the injection of tremendous amounts of plasmic material that are the chief effect and the chief underlying cause of the heliospheric changes [tape break] throughout the solar system ...

This Plasma Universe Model, he (Dmitriev) says, is a very dynamic model. The universe is continuously cycling and recycling itself through these plasmas. This is very, very different from what we call the Big Bang universe model. The Big Bang universe model is strictly a function of the linear 12:60 concept of time. As we said, it has the ridiculous theory that once upon a time the universe was smaller than a flyspeck and infinitely more dense and it exploded and we are still in the process of that explosion. Virtually all the theories of the Western astrophysicists assume this model to be the working model. The description of the universe that has been arrived at by Dmitriev is that the solar system was evolved from energetic plasmas. These plasmas are formed near what we call the center of the galaxy, or what we call Hunab Ku.

We are talking about this because we are talking about Radial Plasmas in our exercises. These Radial Plasmas are the fundamental plasmas from which the universe is created. Furthermore, all the interstellar planetary space is filled with sheets or striations of all these different sub-atomic plasmas, and these plasmas have an electromagnetic nature. They create a universe that is infinitely dynamic and is in the process of continuous creation - instead of having a Big Bang as the original moment and everything else as an aftereffect. The point of continuous creation is very critical for us.

What we are describing is that with the period beginning with the supernova 1987-A, there has been a massive new influx of plasma into our solar system. This plasma is rearranging the Earth's magnetic field. It's rearranging the Van Allen radiation belts, it's rearranging the ionosphere. In the ionosphere, eleven miles above the surface of the Earth, there has suddenly been a new infusion of hydrogen dioxide that seems to have absolutely no source. These are also having great effects on the geomagnetism, and it is now clear that the poles have begun to shift.

So all of this intrusion of new plasmic material is effecting communication. We have also been communicating, according to the Law of Time, the model of the planets and the sun - the planets are like radio receivers and transmitters - and the whole nature of the solar system is that of a large radio station with a set of substations. Because the plasmas are electromagnetic in nature, they are increasing the capacity of the receivertransmitter. Dmitriev says it is like upgrading a modem from 1,200 baud to 56,000. Now the capacity of the Earth radio station as a receiver-transmitter has increased incredibly as a result of the influx of the plasmas. When we talk about the discharges and energetic exchanges that occur from the planet to other planets and the sun, we are talking about the capacity of increasing information exchange.

Now, what information? This gets us to the other side of it. We said that according to the Law of Time, for any perturbations of a physical magnitude there is an equal magnitude of psychic effects. From the point of view of the Law of Time, we are not just in a PlanetoPhysical process but in a PlanetoPsychical process as well. So we have a type of planet psycho-physics. For instance when we talk about the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, we are talking about the re-establishment of telepathy at the biologicalorganic level. It is the bio-organic or the bio-organism that makes capable the process of telepathy. We see that this is true among every single species. All the dogs have telepathy and all the cats and all the birds and all the animals and all the insects and the fishes and the birds and the dolphins - it seems we can even say the trees. So what we call telepathy is a function of biology organizing itself.

Now the biology exists within and creates a bioelectromagnetic field. As we know, in the nervous system there are electrical charges, and we create something called a bio-field or an aura. We have such phenomena as Kirlian photography that will show the biofield of a plant or of a human. So the organism of the biology also activates an electromagnetic field . We can't separate the existence of the biological organism from its being in a large electromagnetic field. In this larger field what are we then experiencing, what are we talking about?

We can speak of there being an intermediate point which we refer to as the perceptions of our consciousness. In other words, we have a candle here with a flame. Now I can put my finger in it. If I put my finger into it for a relatively long time I'm going to feel something. What I feel is something called heat. What is that? There is a sensation and that sensation is felt on my finger and then it is translated into my nervous system and someplace in there, whether I have the word or not, it says "hot." So what my nervous system translates as "hot" and the sensation that is created by the flame ... are they two different things, or are they the same?

This is what I call the intermediate zone between what we call physical sensation and psychic perception. This is true of the whole range of experience that we have that comes through our senses. If the lawn mower man comes along and you hear this noise ... well, there are these vibrations and they come and they hit your ear. Inside then, that becomes translated into the nervous system as a particular vibration and depending upon our conditioning and our sensitivity we will have a reaction. We say, "Get that guy out of here!" Or, "Shut up and transcend!"

But again: we are dealing with that point of there being a sensation which seems to have a physical quality. Then there is an internal perception, and that internal perception seems to have something to do with our consciousness or mind. So I'm just giving this as an example - that we cannot just talk about PlanetoPhysics. We also have to talk about PlanetoPsychics. Of course, there are sensations that occur that are described as being beneath the threshold - but nonetheless there exist these vibratory waves that are beneath the threshold. So we also experience these vibrations and they also effect our perceptions.

In this way we are talking about the universe being a great moving wave. It consists of many, many levels and categories of sub-waves. Because we know about the Law of Time, we can see that all of this is organized in a very intelligent way. In fact, we have to say that the discovery of the Law of Time happened completely during this period of stellar excitation - (therefore), the discovery of the Law of Time was the chief PlanetoPsychical effect that was occurring . This discovery of the Law of Time has an effect as irreversible on the human consciousness as the Pole Shift on the geomagnetic field. Yes, the revelations of the Law of Time are occurring synchronically at the same time as all the heliospheric disturbances.

I would like to draw our attention to one other matter. This article appeared in the newspaper on June 12th of 1997 {demonstrates graphic with newspaper story and graphic of "seven black holes"}. In the Dreamspell that was the day Yellow Cosmic Sun, Kin 260. It says in the headline, "Black Holes Seem to Be Seven Times the Size of the Sun." This I found to be a very good example of how modern scientists can't see what is under their nose. At the same time, it shows how the Law of Time is a synchronic revelation with these discoveries in astrophysicists.

In this article it says that there are actually only seven black holes and that each of these black holes curiously seems to be the size of seven of our suns - except for the central one, which seems to be the size of fourteen (suns). So that's still the power of seven, that's why I made the image on the right {indicates drawing,"seven black holes") - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and in the middle the seventh one. In this article it says that the astrophysicist who made this discovery said, "Nature is stamping out these things at seven solar masses for some reason. Seven solar masses seems to be some sort of 'magic number' for these things." Yes, all of these seven black holes are governed by this magic number seven!

Then to return to the theme of the supernova the article says, "Black holes are formed from the remnants of a supernova." As I said, from the point of view of the Law of Time the supernova is a moment of supreme consciousness. I can just imagine that there were seven supernova, and on each of these supernova the collective consciousness contacted all the other supernova at the same time and said, "Hey! Let's really make a surprise! Let's see if anyone can understand the Law of the Inverse Seventh! Let's make these seven black holes that are all based on the power of seven." Is someone trying to tell us something? It seems to be the case.

These seven black holes - when you look at the theory of the black hole - they open to a mirror universe. As we know, according to the cosmology of the Arcturus Probe, we live in a seven-dimensional universe and the seventh dimension is the mirror-less center point . The six dimensions around that center point are reflected on the other side of that seventh point as six more dimensions. The seven black holes lead to the six other dimensions on the other side of the seventh one. They actually demonstrate the 13 is to 7 constant. They are the fulfillment of the ratio of the Law of Time 4:7::7:13. The central part of the ratio - "7::7" - refers to the seven black holes the size of seven suns - or scaled by the power of seven, so they lead, on the other side of the black hole, to the other six universes. In the hands of someone who knows the Law of Time, this is all explained by the Law of Time's basic ratios. I have to do some more for you.

It is very important that everybody understands that this whole seminary is a function of the Law of Time. This isn't any hairy-scary stuff dreamed up just out of the imagination. This is the new science and this is the new mathematics, and it is a comprehensive science. Prophecy and physics like to go to bed together, and that's just great. Okay. We talked about the fractions of 13 and I'd like to show you what 10/13ths looks like. It looks like ... when you write 10/13ths it makes this number - .7692307, a number divisible by 7 and when you divide it by 7 you get this number - .1098901 - that's a Zuvuya number: 109-8-901. You can read it this way {pointing left to right} and that way {pointing from right to left} and it's the same number. If you add all those numbers there ... they equal 28. Four times seven, that's our theme 7:7::7:7. All that we are talking about refers to the Revelation of the 7:7::7:7 [tape break] That there are seven black holes, each of them the size of seven suns - that is a function of the 7:7::7:7.

When this information about the black holes occurred I was in Japan at that time. After leaving Japan, we stopped in the Hawaiian islands. That was in the Lunar Moon of the Overtone Seed Year. When we were there on the Hawaiian islands someone said, "There is a message for you on the Internet." So I went to look at this message and the message said, "Jose Arguelles, Aleister Crowley is looking for you." I thought that was very interesting. Aleister Crowley wrote one book called, the Book of the Law, which I thought was very close to the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time. I wasn't sure exactly at that moment how to take that message, I found it fascinating. But then while we were in the Hawaiian islands we visited a friend of ours who very much loved occult matters so we mentioned to him this message that I mysteriously got on the Internet - that Aleister Crowley was looking for me. I also know that Aleister Crowley has a very bad reputation, but that really didn't bother me. I also have a very bad reputation, just ask some of the Cardinals of the Church. So we talked about this matter of Aleister Crowley and then I saw there among the books that my friend had, "777" and I said, "Ah-ha, that's they key. That's why he is looking for me."

When I got back to Tucson, I went and found this copy of Aleister Crowley's 777. You'll find this book quite something, and you will see the magnitude of Aleister Crowley's mind. You might find some similarities between his mind and Valum Votan's mind. This book is actually a compilation of a number of works of Aleister Crowley's. You'll see that, among other things, it is a great dictionary of Gematria. You'll also see that Aleister Crowley - and this is very early in this century - that he was already working with the I Ching as well as various forms of Kabbalistic philosophy, and Buddhist meditation. These are all some of our favorite themes. I saw that all of that was there. I didn't know what was going to happen. Then, as I said at the end of the talk yesterday, in the middle of the Resonant Moon, which, of course, is the seventh moon, and on the 21st day of that moon - which, if you take Resonant Moon 7 plus 21, that's 28. Then that triggered the realization of the next 7 - so that was the 7:7::7:7.

So we'll leave you at that moment to pick up our meditation after a few more "mientritas ..."


The synchronic order is always informing us. Someone just gave me an e-mail, and at the end of the e-mail was a news bulletin. It says "six new planets found orbiting distant stars." With specific regard to today's topic, 7:7::7:7, it says the discoveries brought to 28 the total number of so-called extrasolar planets! So, there we have 7:7::7:7 - same as the fractional number when it is divided by 7. So we are on the forefront of a very fast moving heliospheric wave.

When I say that we are on the forefront, it means the very tips and ends of our brains are vibrating. It's going very fast. All this information is coming in. Fortunately, for us, we know the Law of Time and so we know the meaning of the synchronic order. It may be that more extrasolar planets may be found - and I am certain that that is so - but what is important is that we would receive the information of the 28 extrasolar planets at precisely this moment ... which is the One Upstairs saying to us, "right on!" We are absolutely on the highway to supernova enlightenment.

In this highway to supernova enlightenment I'd like to refer again to the situation of the Psychoatmospheric weather fronts. I was wearing my Bob Dylan T-shirt yesterday and he had a great line, "You don't need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind is blowing." So if your eyes are wide open and you are not suffocated in 12:60 materialistic desire, then you can tell which way the wind is blowing. As I said, today's meditation is "Prophecy of time and winds of change."

{Demonstrating again, 7:7::7:7 poster, psi bank graphic, lower left hand corner} We're looking at this lower part which is actually taken from Map 43 of Earth Ascending - so you can go back and study that map. This map describes the existence of Psychoatmospheric weather fronts. It describes six major Psychoatmospheric weather fronts already in the past. It says that when we crossed over from the Codon 48 to the 49 - of course remember 49 is 7 x 7, and it's also the Bi-phasic Codon at the bottom of the seventh column, so that always we are dealing with this Law of the Seventh - when we began this point here, we were moving into, of course, the seventh Psychoatmospheric weather front. The first Psychoatmospheric weather fronts appeared before history, the first three. During the phase of history there were several changes which signaled changes in the Civilizational order as well as the mental order of the species.
(7:7::7:7のポスターの左下のサイバンクの図を示して)『アース・アセンディング』の地図43から持ってきた図ですので、戻って調べるのなら、その地図を見て下さい。この地図は、精神大気天候前線の存在を描いたものです。そこには、過去、既に六つの主要な精神大気前線があったことが描かれています。そして、私たちがコドン48からコドン49へと移行するときに、49はもちろん7×7で、7番目の柱の一番下のニ相コドンでもありますから、常に私たちは第7の法則を扱っているわけですが、このコドン49の地点で、7番目の精神大気前線に入り込み始めるのです。 最初の三つまでの精神大気前線は、歴史以前に生じました。歴史の期間には、種の心的秩序の変化と同様に、文明秩序の変化を知らせるいくつかの変化がありました。

When we are talking about going into what is called post-history, which is exactly where we are now, we are initiating the seventh weather front . But because we are activating the telepathic power of the human consciousness, we are also going to be triggering the eighth Psychoatmospheric weather front. The seventh is the one that is to flatten out the human civilization. The eighth one is to actually prepare for the galactic synchronization. Over the last thirteen years - when we are talking about the heliospheric excitation - the movement of the seventh Psychoatmospheric weather front has been coming to its climax.

Now we are almost at the peak of that experience and we are trying to coordinate that with the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge. If we are able to coordinate the telepathic bonding of our mind with the Radial Plasma, then we will stabilize the seventh Psychoatmospheric weather front. We will then enter into a brief plateau that will begin to crescendo again and reach the excitement of the eighth weather front, which will be at the end of the Great Cycle.

When you study that Map 43, you'll see the movement of the weather fronts on the right hand side there. {Continuing to demonstrate Psi Bank grid on 7:7::7:7 - Telektonon Revelation poster graphic} Also you can see them mapped on the whole Psi Bank. Also, you see here - these are the four years of the Rinri Project, which is these four years 1996-2000). Then here we have the three years of the New Genesis (1997-2000), or the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time. Then starting on the other side of this line {pointing to a line which indicates 1998) - the last two years, which have been the 7:7::7:7 Revelation.

When we talk about the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time we are talking about telepathy and the organic order, and we have the development of the practice of Cubing the Codon - the way of placing the DNA Codons back in the form of the primal cube. When we are placed, then, in the primal cube with the Codon, we are bonding the Codon with one of the UR Runes. Then, when we complete that practice, we are radiating that UR Rune and that Codon - we are telepathically radiating that. So wherever that particular Codon with its particular combination of nucleic acid letters is found, by our telepathic communication or sending of that (Rune), we are affecting that Codon wherever it may be.

Furthermore, we are actually bonding that Codon with an UR Rune. When we get done with the whole process, each of those Codons will be bonded with a number of UR Runes. Each Codon has its own stage when it is the first and the last. Then it appears eleven other times. In those eleven other appearances it is coded by another UR Rune so that when you are done actually each Codon goes through thirteen stages but goes through twelve UR Runes. In other words it is coded twice by the Master Rune that coordinates it, and then eleven more times for the eleven times that it appears in other permutations.

Of course this is a very slow process from a certain point of view, a day of God's is a thousand years - so maybe it's just a couple of hours of God's time. But for us it seems like it is a slow process, and at first maybe very imperceptible. But as we move along in the process and more people join in the actual practice, then we will have more perceptible effects. The more we do this, the more telepathy will increase, the more we will understand about controlling our own health. When we are talking about the genetic defect, we are actually talking about losing control of our own health. So then we invent people who take on roles of doctors, and that only makes matters worse. Then they come up with diseases. Of course they are never cured. That is all because we let our health go out of our control. So when we are talking about Cubing ourselves ... there is an expression from the 20 Tablets that says, the Earth Wizard lives from the tomb and he is no longer possessed by death ... "Cubing the Cube within the Cube. Immortal answer to the Riddle of The Stone."

When we are doing these practices of visualizing ourselves within the Cube, we build up the Cube stage by stage over six days. For instance, today we are in the third stage of the Cube. We know (from this week's Codon),that the bottom side of the Cube is a yin line.The right side of the cube is yin line, and the left side of the Cube is a yin line. Then tomorrow, we will have a yang line in back and then the day after that a yang line in front. Then on the sixth day, we will have another yin line on top. The way of creating this very slowly every day ... so that when you get to the sixth day you know that you are in a Cube. The more vividly you can feel and know that, the more that you are returning your being to its primal state. As we noticed, before the advent of industrialism at least, the other species don't have much sickness. They take care of their health and they don't have doctors. That's because they are still each living in their "cube." Each little ant is moving along in its ant cube. Each bird that flies is in its invisible bird cube. The DNA does not lose touch with its primal condition, but we have lost that contact . For that reason we have to re-establish that contact again and we do that by placing ourselves in the cube.

So as we saw, it was in the second year of the Rinri Project that we began Cubing the DNA, where you see this blue line right here {demonstrating again on 7:7::7:7 Poster, Psi Bank graphic} Then when we got to the middle point where we have this yellow line here, in the middle of that year (1997-998), we had the 7:7::7:7 Revelation. From that we also are developing another Cube.

The first Cube has to do with the organic order - that the proper organization of biology establishes the telepathy of that species. Of course our organism has been fractured and dissipated, so we need to pull that together again. The Cube of the 7:7::7:7 is the Plasma Cube. Just as we have the 64 DNA, we have also begun to work with the Seven Radial Plasmas. The 7:7::7:7 extends those seven plasmas into 28 types, so that every 28 days you code yourself with these 28 different types of plasmas [tape break]

So, not only are we returning our DNA to its primal condition, but we are also reorganizing our perceptual process according to what is called the Primal Cubic Parton. According to the Law of Time, the Primal Cubic Parton is what you would call the original building block of the universe. In the cosmology of the Radion there are six original types of cosmic electricity. They have different types of "charges" that actually create very fundamental stages of resonance. Then these six different types of cosmic electricity combine to create twelve electronic lines of force. These lines of force conform to what Alexey Dymitriev describes - that the whole of space is filled with striations of plasma. Then the plasmas themselves, which the scientists describe as being a combination of ion and electron - from the point of view of the Law of Time and Cosmic Science, these Seven Radial Plasmas are combinations of these twelve electronic lines of force.

So what the plasmas describe actually is the primary level of what we call "sensation" and "perception." As we know, Dali is the first Radial Plasma. It is referred to as having a "thermic" charge, which is heat. You put your finger in the flame. Right now you could say: "Well my finger doesn't feel anything. It just is." So we want to see if it feels anything and then: "Yes, if I put my finger in the flame, then it feels heat." The primal sensation that exists is the sensation of heat, the differentiation between heat and something that is not hot. We know that when we are starting to get excited about something we feel heat. When we fall in love we feel lots of heat. So we see that we feel the heat from inside and we feel the heat in the flame.

That's the primary sensation. Then the second - in the cosmology of the Radion, once there is heat - there is light. You know that if you take a magnifying glass and you go out and you hold it over some dead leaves ... let the sun come through that, you will see that it makes a little spot that gets very hot and when it reaches a certain point, it turns into light and then into flame. So we say that the first stage is heat, and the second stage is light. You see someone and you feel the heat, and then it's the one you were supposed to meet, and you see the light. That's precisely what happens when we fall in love: we feel the heat and then we see the light. That is how love comes about. So that's Dali and then Seli.

Then the third is the Gamma. Today is the Gamma - that is the combination of the heat and the light. The combination then actually creates something - we are not just talking abstract - that creates the flame, for instance. This, when it combines and creates something, that's called the luminic-thermic. The second one, the quality of light is called luminic and so then the third one is luminic-thermic, and this also is referred to as having the power of "strike force." That means that they combine, and that's something that can "strike" your perceptions.

It's interesting when you look at the seals that the thermic is like a cross. That point of the cross there where the two lines join is where you can create heat. The luminic then is three lines that are flowing - the light flows in waves. The Gamma, the strike force, is a line that goes up and then to the right. But it is also called the power of peace, because when you see it, the perception is "struck" and then it is satisfied. Also, when you look at the symbol it goes up but then it goes across like this, so it stops itself and then makes a right turn {demonstrating Gamma seal}.

Those three - the thermic, the luminic, and the luminic-thermic - make what is called one sensory quantum. The sensory quantum you have here is depicted as an upward pointing triangle. You feel a sensation. A sensation arouses so it is depicted by a simple triangle. At its base is thermic and luminic sensation. Then, they combine to create the thermic-luminic and so that is called "the arousal." When you experience anything that's of any kind of intensity at some stage you become aroused.
以上の、熱、光、光・熱の三つが、一つの感覚量子と呼ばれるものを作ります。感覚量子は、ここにあるように上向きの三角形で表されます。あなたは感覚を感じますが、感覚は湧き起こるので、このような単純な三角形で表されます。その三角形の下にある二つが熱と光の感覚です。そして、それらが組み合わさって熱・光を作りますが、それ「湧き起こり(the arousal)」と呼ばれます。何らかの強烈な体験をある時点まですると、あなたは湧き起こるのです。

Then we get to the fourth stage of the Radion cosmology. That is what is called the Kali. The Kali is a complex combination that takes luminic-thermic, and then thermic-luminic. It takes the one condition and places it in the other. The sensory quantum is the stage of arousal. The Kali is what creates the possibility of cohesion and extension. These are both physical and psychical processes. We have the possibility of the creation of an atom, or within the nervous system and in the brain, the formation of some type of very minimal coherent thought or sensation. So this the function of the Kali which looks like an A but is actually two lines going up and then are crossed by a third (horizontal) line.

Then we get to the next three. Because it creates cohesion and the possibility of extending it, the Kali is the connecting plasma. What it connects is sensation with the telepathic order.

The fifth radion, which is the Alpha, releases what is called the double electron, or the double extended electron. With the description of the three Radial Plasmas that describe the telepathic order - on the one hand, they are describing a sphere - so that it says that the Alpha, which is the reverse of the Kali, creates a double extended electron. Then the Limi creates a mental electron that is at the North Pole, while the double extended electron is at the South Pole. Then, at the center (of the sphere) is the mental electron-neutron. That describes what you might call the "field of telepathy."

The sphere is a universal form. Our Earth is based on the form of the sphere, the sun is based on the form of the sphere, and the universe in its entirely is also like a sphere. What this sphere describes is the realm of telepathy. So I want to make that clear. When we actually describe the quantum of telepathy, which is different ... this is the field or the sphere of telepathy. In other words everything that we experience exists in this large sphere. That is why we speak of it that way. Any sphere that exists has a North Pole, a South Pole and a center - and this sphere contains the whole aggregate of what we can experience.

But when we talk about the quantum of telepathy then we are talking about a form like this, the reverse triangle (with apex pointing down). The double extended electron is at one of the bases, at the other end of the base is the mental electron. At the apex, which is now pointing down, is the mental electron-neutron. So the sensory quantum is a state of arousal, and it takes the form of an upward pointing triangle. The telepathic quantum is like input, so it takes the input of a downward pointing triangle. So then the two triangles are connected by the Kali - which then is represented like this {indicates four-pointed diamond pattern} because it is the fourth Radial Plasma so it creates a four point structure or pattern. So above is the sensory quantum and below, it connects the telepathic quantum.

This is basically the description of what you might call the psychophysics of the radion cosmology. That's about as much as you can get on a postcard - if you say, "Dear Family, today Dr. Arcturus taught us about the psychophysics of the radion cosmology. Can't say more now ... Love ya." So you didn't know that before today. It's very good if you can go to school someplace and really learn something you didn't know. So if you understand this very well you can have the same pleasure of teaching it to someone else.

This is a basic part of the revelation of the 7:7::7:7. Someone like Alexey Dimitriev with his very evolved, but 12:60 lens, can describe that we are in this stage of tremendous heliospheric excitation, and he can describe the great influx of plasma into the Earth's magnetic field. He even can describe the plasma going into the areas of the North Pole and the South Pole - obviously, they are being gathered also in the core of the Earth. But without the Law of Time, he is not able to describe what is happening inside ourselves. We have the opportunity to go to Russia at the end of the Solar Moon to present all of this material. Of course, we will look for Mr. Dimitriev. I want everyone to wish us the best of luck in finding him so we can see what happens when we combine his work with the Law of Time.

The point of plasmas is that they constitute the minimum quantic matter. The most minimal structures actually exist at the borderline of what we call the third and the fourth dimension. So these minimal structures actually participate in our telepathic field. It is the function, for instance, of prophecy to draw this point to our attention.

In the year 1988, I made this drawing in my notebook. {Demonstrating graphic "Seven Last Moons of the Thirteen Baktuns"} This drawing is a computer version of it, but the (original) drawing was basically what you see here. And what you see up here is the long count of the seven Katuns, from to the seventh Katun These are the last seven Katuns of the tenth Baktun. I had already identified these with the Kin numbers 194 to 200, which of course go from the White Crystal Wizard to the Yellow Overtone Sun.

These then became identified in the Telektonon Prophecy as the Seven Lost Generations. The 9.13. becomes 1993; 9.14. becomes 1994, and so on until 9.19 becomes 1999 going to 2000. I also saw that each of what we now call the Radial Plasmas, the Seven Seals, I had already identified with the seven Katuns, which I knew were the key to the mysterious "Book of the Seven Generations" which Antonio Martinez had read to him one thousand years after the dedication of the tomb. So I had figured out all that, and I had already received the knowledge of the seals. I knew that each of the seals was connected with one of the Books of the Lost Generations.

When I received the Telektonon Prophecy Revelation, I knew that each of these seven seals was connected with one of the Lost Generations and one of the Years of Prophecy. It was very interesting that these Seven Seals of Prophecy were also one each of the Seven Radial Plasmas. When you take all of those Radial Plasmas together they form one Primal Cubic Parton. I had seen how these Seven Seals of Prophecy were opened by the prophecy to reveal within that a science of plasma. We said that there is a PlanetoPhysical and a PlanetoPsychical ... [tape break]

Because of the PlanetoPsychical, there comes the prophetic revelation, so we could understand how the Seven Primal Radial Plasmas have the same relationship to the perceptual order of our being as the DNA has to the biological order of our being. In this way, then, we have the information to make ourselves absolutely complete in body and mind. We see that through the Primal Cubic Parton we have the sensory quantum combined with the telepathic quantum. The sensory quantum refers to what we usually call the "subject" or the "perceiver." The telepathic quantum is what is usually referred to as the "object perceived." Of course this has been - through the history of the philosophy of the 12:60 civilization - the subject and the object have been the cat and dog of dualism chasing their tails. So the revelation of the Seven Radial Plasmas as the Primal Cubic Parton lets the cat and the dog sleep together and shows how actually it is all one structure. The influx of plasma and plasmic material into our planet is what excited the revelation of the Law of Time to create the revelation of the 7:7::7:7. So when we understand this process - the solar and the stellar and the galactic excitation provoke changes in the geomagnetic field as well as create new plasma - and this process internally in the collective mind is what triggers the bringing forth of new prophetic revelation.

The essence of the prophetic revelation is how to deal with the geomagnetic changes and the influx of the new plasma ... to show, for instance, that what we have been describing as the Biosphere-Noosphere transition is not any different than what is usually referred to as Judgement Day. As it says, on Judgement Day there will be the Revelation of the New Heaven and the New Earth: this is the function of the Telektonon, the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, and the 7:7::7:7 - placing into our hands the very laws and structures of creation - but according to their function in the correct timing frequency.

The knowledge of the DNA in the hands of 12:60 science creates genetically modified food or cloned sheep, which does not advance our mental level. So God said, "No, we have to put the DNA according to the Law of Time and then use that knowledge in the right way to heal ourselves." And the same with the reality of our psychophysical universe, which is the 7:7::7:7 - these are like what we refer to as the keys to the kingdom. If you know how to use these keys correctly - the thing about these keys is that you can only use them correctly - then you will open the door to the Kingdom. In that way you will get past the Judgement Day and you will enter into the Kingdom.

The 7:7::7:7 revelation is the opportunity to create the Plasma Cube four times every moon just as four times every moon you create four Codon Cubes. Furthermore, through creating each of the Plasma Cubes every moon, you are also experiencing different degrees of what is called fractal time compression.

So this is the juicy stuff of Chrononautics 401 because when you start to get into this practice and combine it with the 20 Tablets Practice, and going around the Telektonon board, then we are really getting to the point of re-arranging our mind. For one thing you need to re-arrange your life to have the time to do it right. Just by having to do that simple act, then, the Law of Time is already modifying your existence.

{Now demonstrating Cubic Hologram graphic, front of 7:7::7:7 UR Text} We see that every moon we are creating one fractal cubic hologram - save that for the next postcard! The fractal cubic hologram describes the different stages of fractal time compression. Remember that in the 7:7::7:7 the first seven refers to the seven Katuns. One Katun equals 260 moons. This is the first week and this is the first cube. The second seven deals with the Seven Years of Prophecy. The third seven and the third cubic structure refer to the Seven Years of the Mystery of the Stone. Then inside, the last little cube inside refers to the seven last moons of the Thirteen Baktuns.

So you have a fractal ratio which is based on the moon value. In one Katun there are 260 moons. In one year there are 13 moons. So you have 260 moons is to 13 moons as 13 moons is to 1 moon. Since the ratio of 260 to 13 reduces to a value of 20 to 1 then you have an actual ratio of 20 is to 1 as 13 is to 1. So you have your 13:20 ratio encoded there ... so that you see here the fractal time compression. In other words, every moon you are creating yourself all the way down into the center with these large cubes. As you can see they create what is called an optical illusion. At the end of this whole process you want to be able to look like that whenever you need to. Some people will say you are practicing magic, but you will just say, "No. I am just cubing myself."

So there are many other points that we will have to cover in our next sessions. I think we have taken a very interesting trip in the universe. To complete where we began with the Plasma Universe Model - we have to modify that. We have to call it the Radial Matrix Plasma Universe Model. The reason that the Plasma Universe Model is continuously creative and dynamically cyclical is that it is actually coordinated by the radial matrix of fourth-dimensional time. For that reason we have a model of the universe that is governed by time and it is going through phases of excitation that lead to greater and greater levels of consciousness and enlightenment. It is based on the continuous creation of plasmas which have the quality of being both physical and electromagnetic. Because of their being electromagnetic, they can be telepathically contacted and activated. This is very important for the Rainbow Bridge Project.

That's the basic summary of today's meditation. I'd like to make a few more comments. The 7:7::7:7 is referred to as making science as sacred as the reality it investigates. This is a very key point. Without having the proper attitude, we could create the kind of destructive world that we created. When we put God to the side in our mind, we ended up with cloned sheep. This is because we do not respect the very nature of reality as sacred. If there is any point to any of what I am transmitting it is to awaken ourselves again to the absolutely thorough sacred nature of all of reality, every second. With this kind of attitude you actually develop a much greater sense of respect and appreciation for who you are, where you are, and why you are. And that's very key. Okay, so Bolon Ik has a few points here.

Bolon Ik: We've come to this point where we can contemplate how separating God from science has caused such problems in the world. As Votan said yesterday, we don't have any secrets that we hold back from you. We actually live with the expression that happiness is submission to the will of God. As we explain to all of you, we have been reading the Holy Qur’an and we would like tomorrow on Kali day at high noon to invite any of you who want to, who wish to know about this Prayer, which is on the wall here, the first Sura of the Holy Qur’an. If you would like to learn how to do the prayer five times a day according to the oracle, we are happy to share this with you tomorrow. But I again speak of the quality of free will, that you must each go into your own heart to decide if you want to do this or not.

In light of this I have another announcement to make. It turned out last night somehow that both rooms were locked and the yoga did not happen. We would like to resolve this situation by acknowledging that there is both work with the body and also our study and mental activity. So we would like to have both rooms open this evening between 8 and 11 p.m. But in order to keep the discipline, so we don't have to have anyone acting like a policeman, I would like someone from each Earth Family on their day to be here to monitor the study room. This room will be maintained as a quiet study place. So would someone from my Core Earth Family volunteer to study here tonight. Excellent, Jason! So simply you come to study, Jason, and by that you are the example for anyone else. Also are Felipe and Raven here? ... okay, because they are the ones who have been doing the yoga and they are not here. So I only say that for all of you who are going to that program to see if you can connect the dots and make sure it's all connected.

Valum Votan: I would like to say again, in talking about the prayer, that there is absolutely nothing obligatory about this. Only if you really feel a calling in your heart, because it won't mean anything otherwise. That's all. Thank you.

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