Sixth Breath, Leaf of the Transcendence, Week Six
Meditations 21-24: 7:7::7:7, Science of Telepathy, Perceptual Order
Core Curriculum: World Languages, Culture and Spirituality

Twenty-first Meditation: Genetic Presentation - Knowledge Initiates View
7:7::7:7 - Plasma Universe Psychophysics, Cosmology of Radion and Cubic Parton

Bolon Ik: As-Salaam Alaikum! Welcome to this Meditation 21. Today we have a Seli day - Seli flows. We have the day of genetic presentation: knowledge initiates view. This is a red day of initiation, so we are continuing to elevate ourselves spiritually and mentally. We begin Harmonic 31 - Resonant Input, Inform Flowering of Attunement. Today we enter a very special place at the top of the mystic column of the Tzolkin.
ボロン・イク: アッサラーム・アライクム!(あなたのもとに平安あれ!) 瞑想21へようこそ。今日は、セリの日です。セリは流れます。起源の表明は、知識が視点を創始する。赤い創始の日です。ですから私たちは、継続的に霊的・心的に私たち自身を高めます。共振の入力、調律の開花を満たす、調波31の始まりです。今日、私たちはツォルキンで神秘の柱の一番上という、とても特別なところに来ました。

Kin 121, Red Self-Existing Dragon:

I define in order to nurture
Measuring being.
I seal the input of birth
With the self-existing tone of form.
I am guided by the power of navigation.

Remember the Cosmic Earth a few days ago. Remember, today we have the Self-Existing Tone of form where the Dragon is now guided by the Earth. We are in Chrononautics 401. I hope we are all learning how to navigate the codes of fourthdimensional
time. I continue by reading from the Dragon section of the Telektonon, the introductory verses.

"One living prophecy, Pacal Votan's gospel of the Telektonon, a special dispensation for the Day of Truth, AD 1993-94. Kin 144. Proclamation on behalf of the three messengers of the Awakening, of the three special voices of prophecy, the special Witness of Time, and the Last Call. Telektonon - the Inner Sun, the Mother of all Prophecy, Message of the Star Witness, Bolon Ik, received and repeated by her servant in love, Pacal Votan.
In the Seventh Year of Harmonic Convergence, the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse become the Seven Years of Prophecy, thirteen years in all. Thirteen moons the path to walk/Thirteen moons the path to talk/People of the dawn, one mind/People of the book, One God/One living prophecy, One people, One Heaven, One Earth."




In the 260 Postulates, The Dynamics of Time, the postulate 1.4:
"Informing equally and uniformly the full spectrum of evolutionary possibilities of energy, mass and consciousness, the constant 13:20 frequency of Time functions as the Law of Time. T(E) = ART. The quality of beauty is the index of the efficiency of the equation of the Law of Time, perceivable as the synchronic order of the universe at any given moment."

Turning to the Rinri Precept for the Cube Position of the Dog, the statement is: "Work is the highest joy." I think that what we are all learning here is that when we really submit ourselves to the synchronic order, no matter what personal obstacles or ego moments come up, when we go back to the discipline of being in the present moment, we begin to feel a higher level of joy. The joy that comes from the synchronic order is the satisfaction of knowing that we are living according to the Law of Time.

Today we have a red day, so the Red Root Race meets. The Red Root Race is in the third Chamber of the Wavespell, and this creates the Third-dimensional Mind-Form Pulsar, along with the Tone 8 and the Tone 12. Red Root Race, you will be responsible for the Red Moon Crystal Day.

We have a further congruence today because this Red Self-Existing day has the red Seli as its radion. Further, with regard to the Self-Existing Tone of Form, we may continue to identify the form of our being here, and the form of action which goes with this.

I would like to speak of the four-dot Overtone Pulsar which is today. It is connected to the Solar Tone 9. You may want to take note that the Overtone Pulsars always have the same guide. The 4 Dragon has the same guide as the 9 Dragon. All of these aspects of the synchronic order are read on a daily basis. The reason that you are being presented with the Earth Wizard's Almanac is to give you a very mundane, very realistic workbook form so you can really learn the discipline of checking the synchronic order every day. Just as a minor check, I will read the five lines for your Almanac for today.

The Codon for this week: Oceans of Presence. We are in stage six of the Dynamizing Codon - "Way of Conduct Shapes Space." Overtone Peacock Moon, week three: Proclaim Victory of Prophecy. Patience Transforms Conduct.
On the third line: Oceans of Presence. "Principle of Dynamic Construction Released Into Time." Sensory Space within, Telepathic Joy without. Space Generates-Mind Bridges-Radiance Climaxes.
In the synchronic order, this "telepathic joy" may be connected with the Rinri Precept- "Work is the highest joy."
今週のコドン:存在の海。 行ないの道が空間を形づくる。


I will conclude my presentation with the following words: We must learn to respect life on the mundane level. This is the only way to implement the vision from the perspective of the Law of Time. For only by actually living in the Law of Time do we fully accept the synchronic order. The key is in living in the Now. The synchronic order is always perceived Now. In this way, we have a basis from which we can appreciate the world. We can take an interest in every aspect of life, every Now moment is important. We must learn to cheer ourselves up every moment. When we say leaving the 12:60 world of materialism, we literally say leaving behind the baggage of our past. Don't create imaginary worries about the future. In coming back to the Now, all of life is sacred. We can appreciate every moment if we live in the synchronic order.

Finally, we turn to this week where we present the 7:7:7:7 - Science of Telepathy, Perceptual Order, Week of the Transcendence.

Valum Votan: Welcome Velatropans. This is Meditation number 21: transcending is turning the wheel of the avatar. It is the meditation on the well of memory. The well of memory contains the synchronic order.
ヴァルム・ヴォタン: ヴェラトローパの皆さん、ようこそ。今日は瞑想21(超越とは、化身の輪を回すこと)です。記憶の井戸を瞑想します。記憶の井戸は共時性秩序を包含しています。

What are you looking at here? It's a little crystal. It's a little double-terminated crystal. Right now, we can pick it up and it feels kind of cold and hard. We see that it's a very third-dimensional form, very solid. What does it contain? The crystal is in its thirddimensional form. We take a little light {takes laser light and demonstrates shining it into the crystal} and we say that this is the Law of Time that has just awakened. We look inside the crystal and we see there are many different points of light inside the crystal. When we turn on the light of the Law of Time, we see first it's just a little spot on the outside. When we look inside, we see that there are many points of light. How is that? Because the crystal has many facets and they all mirror each other. We can make the light shine through the crystal. We see that it will go past the crystal and that inside the crystal there will be many different lights. The synchronic order is already completely inside the crystal. The synchronic order has already arranged your life.

Many people come to me and tell me the story of how they came here. They have interesting kinds of stories about things that they didn't understand. They came here and then someone said something about how that was this day in the Dreamspell. They start to have a little glimpse. When that little glimpse happens, suddenly inside the crystal of their being, they start to see different points of light. As they turn, because the day turns them, the light changes to its different forms, lights up different points within your being. This is how the Law of Time is.

The Law of Time is like the laser light. Someone turned on the laser light of the fourth dimension. When you let it shine on you, then the interior which seemed empty and maybe just full of a bunch of flaws, suddenly those flaws show themselves to be full of light. The points of light connect with each other. If you turn the right way, you can shine the light out on others. This is how it is with the Law of Time. What was a cold third dimension object becomes illuminated from within. The more you study the Law of Time, the more you practice the Law of Time, the more you experience the Law of Time, you begin to see that the patterns of light within you are all connected.

As I said, the synchronic order has already arranged your life. So surrender. Just surrender, OK? Don't fight it; it's already there. All the points have already been arranged. If you think you can do something different than this, all that you will do is become more confused. So just surrender. If you find out that something you had experienced before you came here seemed extraordinary, and then you come here and find out that it was some particular point in the synchronic order, then you have to reflect a little more deeply on that point. If that one point of experience that you had before you came here, you now see as connected to a larger order, you have to reflect: everything that you have experienced that was meaningful to you or will be meaningful to you is part of that synchronic order.

We see that the synchronic order is arranged by the 260 Kin of the Tzolkin Spin. All of that order has been fixed in the Psi Bank. All of that order is now being regularized in the cycle of the thirteen moons. As you begin to live more and more in that order, you become organized by Time. As you become organized by Time, you see, "Oh yes, it really has already been fixed and arranged." There's no point in becoming a rebel. It's more fun to surrender and immerse yourself in the synchronic order. Go and see how far you can really go in the synchronic order. In this way, you will become a Wizard, an Earth Wizard.

When you become an Earth Wizard, then you have to learn how to talk number. It's all number. All is number, God is a number, God is in all. Fourth dimensional language is number. Numbers reduce down to certain set ratios. Most certainly the key number is seven. Everything turns on that number. Number seven, as we know, is the key point in the ratio, 4:7::7:13.

When we get to the top of the seventh column, the tone for the top of the seventh column is four. Four is to seven as the whole seventh column is to the thirteenth column.

What we find at the top of that column is the Self-Existing Dragon. The Self-Existing Dragon reflects the self-existing and transcendent power of seven. The kin number is 121. This 121 is 100 plus 21, and 21 is 3X7. That is how we say that the self-existing power of seven is contained in that 4 Dragon.

This particular Self-Existing Dragon is a very interesting date in the synchronic order of the one who is speaking. It was on this very day, Self-existing Dragon, in 1989, on the Overtone Moon 26, ten days from now, that Bolon Ik and I were in the Museum of Time. It was on that day, at the top of the mystic column, that we made the discovery of the 12:60 and 13:20 timing frequency.

Right now ... as I said, it will be the tenth solar anniversary of that discovery in ten days. Ten days before that we have the galactic anniversary. That's because we are dealing with the law of the holtun. The law of the holtun is that every five years - the same Kin that coded a day five years ago - that Kin will always show up exactly five days before the fifth anniversary. In ten years, there are two holtuns, so it will be ten days. This is actually the second holtun anniversary today of the discovery of the Law of Time - the 12:60 and 13:20. It's very appropriate that we are here at this very precise point discussing these matters.

Also, the Self-Existing Dragon codes the Galactic-Karmic power of Neptune. We are in the Wavespell of Solar-Prophetic Neptune, the Mirror. The Neptune holds the power of memory, of Memnosis. So we are connecting today to the self-existing power of cosmic memory. The Self-Existing Dragon is the one that holds the power of self-existingmemory. Also, it was on this day exactly 1040 days ago, exactly four galactic spins, as I describe it, that the perfume of Valum Votan filled the being of Jose Arguelles.

We have exactly fourteen Galactic Spins to this day since the Museum of Time and exactly four Galactic Spins since the perfume of Valum Votan. So you see how that Self-Existing Dragon was coded by the Law of Time to mark the beginning of the conscious discovery of the Law of Time - and to mark the beginning of the selfrealization of Valum Votan, one of the people who discovered the Law of Time.

This is what I mean by the synchronic order - everything is already arranged. Everything about everybody's life here has already been arranged. That's what we mean by submitting to the Law of Time. Surrender, OK? There's no point in fighting it. You'll find that your life might become a little more simple.

I would like to say a little more about Self-Existing Dragon and the arrival of Valum Votan.

Valum Votan was born on January 24. The 24 was a very special number. We know that, don't we,Velatropans? We love that number. Who chose that date? Who chose the date for January 24, 1939?

I asked that question because many years later, when I came across the Chilam Balam tradition, it confirmed the July 26th date. It meant that January 24 was the same as Resonant Moon 15. That's the precise midpoint of the year. When we practice the Rinri Project, that is the date when we have a shift in the magnet, when we go from the North to the South and we change the antipode colors of the magnet. That date was already selected - January 24. It was coded into that date.

Who chose that date? Who is the mother of Valum Votan? The mother of Valum Votan was born on January 24, of the year, 1909. Then in 1927, she graduated from high school and she went to Mexico, because she was studying Spanish. She didn't return. She met someone named Enrique Arguelles. In the year 1928, on the date January 24, she married Enrique Arguelles. They had a daughter who was born on September 16th. She was a Self-Existing World-Bridger, and that was 1931. She was in the Cardinal family. When she was 8 years old, the mother of Valum Votan gave birth again. This time on the same day as her birthday, January 24th.

She didn't give birth to one, but to two. So there are two of us. It's very important to understand that as well. On this day, my mother was Spectral Monkey. Both my twin and myself were Spectral Monkey. My twin was born ten minutes after I was. I'd like to point out that in the Popol Vuh, the originators and culture heroes are a pair of sacred twins, Hunab Pu and Xbalanque. Also, Quetzalcoatl was a twin. This is a very interesting story.

The twin bother of Valum Votan has the preposterous name of Ivan Arguelles. The father was a Trotsky-ite and loved the Russians. The one twin was called Ivan and the other Jose. The twin of Valum Votan is a poet and he lives in the United States. He is a relatively famous poet. He is also a librarian and a master of languages. I remember when he was fifteen-years-old, he would be taking a bath teaching himself how to read Rumanian. He knows maybe 30 languages. His search has always been to find the UR language. He works as the head librarian at the University of California at Berkeley.

I told him one day that Quetzalcoatl was a twin. When Quetzalcoatl was very young, he was separated from his twin. After Quetzalcoatl left the city of Tula and began his wanderings, he came to Oaxaca. He asked about his brother. They said: "Your brother was a poet, but he is dead now." Quetzalcoatl said: "I will build a library of the dead for him." This is called the city of Mitla, which means "the land of the dead." This is the library of the dead. It is half underground. I went to visit my brother recently and told him this story. He said, "come see where I work in the library." It turns out the library building is half underground.

So all these things have been very well prepared and arranged. We are all playing out mythic roles. If we surrender completely to the synchronic order, the mythic roles that we are playing will become more clear. I thought much about the dates, like 1939. The 19 along with 7 is the other key number. Anyone born in the 20th century has the 19. That's because the Qu'ran says, "19 is over all." That's the last number, you know, before you go to Hell. It also says that before we go to Heaven, we will all experience Hell. That's why we're in the Bardo right now, because we didn't want to experience Hell anymore. So we said, "We'll go to 13:20 Bardo and see if we can get reborn as a 13:20 person."

So, 39 is 3 x 13, and Valum Votan is the third point in the messenger cycle. The first point is Pacal Votan, who is number 13; the second point is Quetzalcoatl, who is number 26; and the third point is Valum Votan, who has the number 39. 1+ 2 + 3 + ... 39 = 780, the synodic cycle of the planet Mars.

When he saw the Face of Mars in 1983, Valum Votan had the final vision for the Harmonic Convergence, because part of it is to understand the mystery of Mars. This is what is coded into that date of 1.24.1939: the 1.24 refers to the Velatropa star system and when you add 19 plus 39, that adds up to 58. In 1997, on the Self-Existing Dragon, Valum Votan was 58. For that reason, the realization was very strong.

This is the fulfillment of the vision of Cosmic Earth. Cosmic Earth is guided by the Dragon. Cosmic Earth carries the cosmic memory. When Cosmic Earth comes down into the ground, it comes out of the cosmos, down to the ground, and becomes the Self-Existing Dragon. For this reason, Valum Votan was in the year of his Self-Existing Dragon when he became self-realized. His mother, who was born Red Resonant Dragon, was Self-Existing Dragon when she died that same year.

This was a further sign of the completion of the cycle of becoming Valum Votan. These are important small points. One aspect is to demonstrate that the synchronic order is already existing. All we are doing is throwing some light into the crystal and seeing that the light creates a pattern of illumination inside. That's one of the points. There is also such a thing as bringing forth the message, which is actually to become the message.

On this particular Self-Existing Dragon day, we are at the top of the mystic column, which is the seventh column, and all of the numbers are talking in relationship to each other. Today is the Psi Chrono Unit of 9 Hand. Nine Hand is one of the clear signs of Pacal Votan. If you look at the East side of the lid, you have the 5 Earth and the 9 Hand. "What is that Kin number of 9 Hand?" - it is 87. That's because 1987, was the year of the completion of the prophecy of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells.

As we find ourselves at the top of the mystic seventh column, Tone 4, when we write Kin 87 in galactic notation: the 80 is 4 (x 20), and then seven is left, so we write that as 4.7. Today we are at Tone 4 and at the top of the seventh column. So today is also coded with these same numbers, 4 and 7. We see that everything is very synchronically ordered. There is no escape. Surrender. That's all it says: Surrender.

As if that weren't enough, when we look at our Galactic Compass wheel for today, the red arrow is up on the Dragon which is Tone 4. If you have your wheel set up right, the yellow ring up above is Tone 7. OK? So there we are again - 4:7::7:13. We can't escape pounding this into your head today. The whole of the teaching of the Law of Time is contained in the 4:7::7:13.

It's very interesting how the mystic column begins with Tone 4. If you haven't had enough yet, now we're going to pick up the Bi-phasic Matrix. The first Codon in the mystic seventh column is Codon 4! So, 4:7::7:13. This is further manifestation and evidence of what we call God's Divine Plan. The mystic column starts with Tone 4 and the first Codon is four. That Codon is called "Listen Again!" That's what you have to do -listen again. This is an inescapable, irrefutable and inviolable expression of a selfexisting mathematical order. This Bi-phasic matrix is a pure mathematical system. No one planned to put Codon 4 up there. This was taking the 64 codons and placing them in a radial order ...
(sounds of gushing sprinklers) Is someone blowing their nose? The 12:60 is blowing its nose out there. It´s doing it against our window, I think. Someone give them a handkerchief. They´ve got bad 12:60 flu! {Returns to topic, demonstrating graphic, Biphasic Radial Matrix on back cover of UR Book of 20 Tablets}.

When you look at the Bi-phasic Matrix, there are the 64 Codons in a complete inverse symmetry pattern. This is according to King Wen´s arrangement. In the first Harmonic there are six yang lines and in the 65th Harmonic there are six yin lines. This left side of the mystic column is called the "Time Phasic." The right side of it is called "Space Phasic." On the left side of it there are 13 Time triplets and 3 Space triplets. On the other side there are 13 Space triplets and 3 Time triplets. You have a triplet being three lines - and there are 64 codons. There is the possibility that those triplets appear on the bottom of a Codon eight times and the top of a Codon eight times.

On this one (left) side, we have the sequences of the Time triplets and of Time´s oldest and youngest daughters, which are Breath and Joy. On the other side we have Space, with the oldest and youngest son, which are Energy and Temple. Father needs to have at least one son with him and Mother needs to have one daughter. That means the middle son which is the Heart Moon Crystal goes to the Time side. The middle daughter, which is the Vision Sun Crystal, goes over to the Space side. This is a very interesting arrangement and it is all purely mathematical.

When we look at the numbers of those Codons, at the top of the first column you have number 1 and then down here, number 28. Over here {indicating far right side of Biphasic graphic} you have number 2 on the bottom and then up there, number 27. You have 1 plus 28 = 29 and then 2 plus 27 = 29. Then 29 plus 29 is 58. People say, "OK, the first Codon is pure Time and the second Codon is pure Space, (but what about the last two Codons)?" The last two Codons are 63 and 64. We find out why those two are the two last Codons.

Codon 64 occurs on the fifth column on the Time phasic side. Codon 63 is just opposite that in the ninth column. Codon 64 is made up of three binary letters that are the same, which is the "Mind" letter. Codon 63 is made up of three binary letters that are the same, and that is the "Radiance" letter. There are four binary letters: Time, Mind, Radiance, and Space. The first two Codons are Time and Space. The last two Codons (63 and 64) are Radiance and Mind. Those are the only four Codons that are purely of the same binary letter.

You see they are very perfectly organized within the Bi-phasic template. The first one is in the Input Time Cell, and in the first column which is the Magnetic Gate. Codon 64, which is the triple Mind, is in the Process Time Cell in the middle, and in the fifth column which is the Overtone Tower. Codon 63, which is the triple Radiance, is also in the center of the Process Time Cell, in the ninth row, which is like the Solar Tower. The Space Codon is like the Cosmic Gate, in the Matrix Time Cell. There is complete, perfect symmetry that is maintained even though when you first look at it, this might not make any sense at all. Actually, when you study it, you will see that everything is very purely ordered.

Let´s go back to number seven. Remember, we are pounding into your heads today that 4:7::7:13. Remember that the seminary was seven perfect weeks which began on the first day of a sequence of thirteen Codons that run thirteen weeks. We are in the sixth week and the sixth permutation. In the seventh week, we´ll be in the Inverse Seventh. That is all a function of 4:7::7:13.

When we look at the seventh column, we have the 4:7. Then we see that the seventh column occults itself. The inverse of Codon number 4 is Codon number 49, at the bottom - that is 7 x 7. There you have again 4:7 (x 7). The other two Codons are 13 and 7. The whole of the seventh column is coded with the 4:7::7:13 code. When I set out to organize the radial order according to the Tzolkin, I was using what appeared to be King Wen´s random arrangement. I put it into the Tzolkin matrix according to the Harmonics, and nonetheless it came out in perfect order.

The most interesting thing is the one place there is a shift, where there is the middle son. In Codon 4 you have the youngest son, which is the Heart Moon Crystal. Then it appears once more, but it´s on the other side of the 33rd Harmonic, on the Space phasic side (in the Codon 7). The same is true of number 13, which has the middle daughter, who is otherwise all in the Space phasic side. That jumps and comes over to the Time phasic side. You can study all of that in your 20 Tablets.

The point here is that the seventh column codes all of the Tones and the Codons according to the ratio 4:7::7:13.You can also take that same order and put it in a circular mandalic form. You can take all of these things and fractalize them any way you want and they still show the same perfection. When you look at this {now demonstrating graphic, Radial Mandala of the Code of Life from the 7:7::7:7}in the radial mandalic order, all the Time phasic codons are in the left side and all the Space phasic are on the right side.

{Now indicating center of Radial Mandala graphic} You can see here in the blue are the two Space lines. In the yellow is the Radiance, which is a yang and a yin. In the red you have two yang lines, which is Time. In the white is the yin and yang line which is Mind. That pattern is repeated in all the four colors when you break that pattern up. That is broken up, again, into four Codons. Then the whole pattern repeats. The only exceptions again are the 7, which is a Space phasic which is in the Time phasic side. The other exception is the 13, which is a Time phasic which is in the Space phasic side. This matrix begins on this (Time phasic side) with Codon 1 and ends with number 48. The 48 is the very last sequence in the Cube of the Law. When you go through the 16 Years to week 832, there is Codon 48. That Codon, interestingly enough, is located in Harmonic 13.

Those are some points about the power of the seventh column. It is coded completely with the ratio 4:7::7:13. The Harmonics and Tones of the seventh column occult each other. The occult partner of Self-Existing Dragon is the Planetary Sun at the bottom. From there, all of the different Kin occult each other until you get to the center. At the center is the 33rd Harmonic, the Harmonic of the Void. There is no Codon in that.

There are four Kin: 12 Moon, 13 Dog, 1 Monkey and 2 Human. The occult of 12 Moon is Lunar (2) Human. The occult of 13 Dog is the Magnetic (1) Monkey. The Magnetic Monkey is the Psi Chrono Unit for the date Resonant Moon 15. The Psi Chrono Unit that codes the beginning of the Monkey Genesis is what codes the date Resonant 15, which is the same as the Gregorian date of January 24th.

When you say, "Who chose those dates? Who made the Spectral Monkey? Who made the mother of the Spectral Monkey to give birth on this day, which would always be coded by the Magnetic Monkey? The Magnetic Monkey is the beginning of the Monkey Genesis in the Dreamspell: the lost time, the lost period, the lost Genesis. Who did all that? How did all these things come about?"

We have to say we´re dealing with something beyond us. All of this has been prearranged. Since all of this has been prearranged, sometimes people get scared. They say,"Oh man, he´s talking about predestination. You mean I don´t have free will - if it´s all been planned, why should I do anything?"

All these kinds of thoughts come up and there´s room for all of it. It is a great mystery that has all been designed and planned. It is for each of us to make the choice, once we see the clues, to figure it out a little more. It has all been arranged. The synchronic order has been laid as a plan from way up on high. Everything was created in precise order and measure. The Hunab Ku is called the One Giver of Movement and Measure. The One Giver of Movement and Measure makes everything very precise.

Everything is a moving order. We were designed to see if we could find the order in the movement - to find the order in the movement and to stay in the order of the movement. That is when we have to surrender. It is only by completely surrendering to the higher order that we become informed.

A lot of people do this, and they are just kidding themselves. They take a little intellectual part of it and they say: "Oh, I figured that out. I know who that is and that birthday is over there;" Or, "I decoded fifteen people today and three of them were in my family," etc.

No - that is not the point. The point is, when you begin to find this order, surrender! This is a revolution. This isn´t a tea party. This is not a social club. It is a genuine revolution that´s been ordered from on High. They said, "They need a spiritual revolution and we show them the Great Plan. We show them the synchronic order and see if they can understand this is the revolution of the synchronic order."

We begin to give up our petty schemes - how we can make a little bit for ourselves over here and not tell anybody about it over there. Or even do that within ourselves: "I´ll do this part of it here, but I won´t tell this part of myself over there." No - this a revolution.

When we see the synchronic order, what we should be feeling is this: if it´s already been arranged, the real pleasure is in finding the Plan. If it´s really been all arranged, there´s no reason to grieve over anything that didn´t happen right. It was arranged to happen like that so you could learn something. If you do something and you do it well, there´s no reason for you to be proud about that. It was already prearranged. You didn´t do it. It was already done and you just showed up. You had the presence of mind to see that it was right. If it didn´t work right and you see it didn´t work right, you didn´t do that either. You just had the presence of mind to see that it didn´t work right, and that pointed you in the right direction again.

It says: "Love thy enemy as thyself." Love everybody as you love yourself because everyone is teaching you something. There´s not one person who´s not teaching you something. Anytime you think someone insulted you, or someone cheated you, or did whatever to you - be thankful. They are showing you something. What they are showing you ... is that you are not in control. No one is ... so surrender ... and don´t fight it. Don´t make up stories about it Just accept it as it is. This is the synchronic order.

There are many higher levels. Where we are right here, as I said before, we are just at the bottom of the galactic ocean. At the bottom of the galactic ocean, we are swimming in dirty water. We need to find that galactic garbage pickup team.

We have to find new ways of doing things. We have to find ways of doing things that really cut from the old way. In the old way, we are taught you are supposed to make something from it. You´re supposed to get a cut for yourself, a little bit off the top, charge a little bit more. We have to break with the old ways.

We have to cooperate, every single one of us, with each other. We have to treat each other equally and fairly in everything. We have to think of how we can do this. When we go back to that world, the world that is still dead and not in its Bardo, we have to act differently. We have to create and live differently. We have to live according to the synchronic order.

I´m showing you some things that all come down to 4:7::7:13. When they say, "What is the revolution?" Tell them, "4:7::7:13!" Mystify them! We know what that means and we´re going ahead with that. We are saying: "Yes, there really is a higher order - the perfection of your DNA that takes this form; that everything is Time phasic-Space phasic unified in the central column, which is your central spine ..."

When we learn these things, we apply our mind to make sure we can hold our mind clear and straight - so that we can hold the order of the Harmonic arrangement straight in our mind. We are learning a new language. We are being shown that through the galactic sea, that someone is shining a light down there. {Takes crystal and shines laser light through it again} "Who´s in that crystal? Are you awake down there? Do you see this light? Can you rise to it?" Swim higher. Go beyond what you think you are. Don´t be satisfied with what you are. Don´t go back and say, "I did it like this yesterday, it´ll work again today." Go to the light. Follow the numbers! Learn how to talk numbers! When we see each other, say: "4 is to 7 as 7 is to 13, 49 is at the bottom, 4 is at the top, I´ll catch you in the 33rd!"

We´ll take a little break ...

Valum Votan: Transcending is turning the wheel of the avatar. We've been going along with a meditation on the power of the number seven in the middle of that{points to seventh column in Tzolkin graphic}. Seven is the power of transcending. It has no mirror between one and thirteen. When you get to the seven, you say, "Wow, let´s go straight up!"
ヴァルム・ヴォタン: 超越は化身の輪を回すこと。(ツォルキンの第7の柱を指して)私たちは、ここの中間の7という数字の力の瞑想とともにあるところです。7は超越の力です。それは1から13までの間の鏡ではありません。あなたが7番にやってきたら、「ワオ、さあまっすぐ行こう。」と言いましょう。

I made several notes to myself. Someone reminded me that we are in the seventh Vinal, which is called the Yaxkin: "A little ray of the hidden sun." Actually, we are in the eighth day of that seventh Vinal. You can think of that as 7.8 of the Earth´s frequency. When we actually write out the Vinal dates, the first day is always zero. When we get to the eighth day, we write that as 7.7. On the eighth day of the seventh Vinal, we are in the Tzolkin at the top of the seventh column. We are slowly working our way into this mysterious 7:7:7:7. The main flag or banner we have here is based on the image here {demonstrates 7:7::7:7 cover image, Earth within Primal Cubic Parton}.

I have one more thing that came to me that relates to the 13 and the 7. Thanks to the ever genial Lunar Eagle who worked out all the fractions of what happens when you divide one by thirteen ... When we write 1 divided by 13, we get .07692307 ... That's an interesting number because it's divisible by seven. It divides perfectly and you get .01098901. So when we say 1/13 and we get this weird little fraction, it actually is a multiple of seven. This is more of 4:7::7:13. Even when we tear up the number one into thirteen parts, the number seven informs the thirteenth part. All of the fractions of that thirteen are written with seven digits. That's just another example of the 13:7 constant, even in fractional numbers. This is why we say all is number, that God is a number and that God is in all. The perfection of a whole number mathematics is actually even in the fractional mathematics.

When we are talking about mathematics and number, mathematics is how a number can be manipulated - multiplied, divided by itself or other numbers. We're also talking about number as language. This is referred to as numerology. When we are learning to read or work with the numbers, we are participating in a kind of numerology. There is another term I'd like to introduce you to if you don't already know it: "gematria."

This is a system of assigning numbers to letters. This appears in the Kabbalistic system, also in the Arabic system. Certain words, or any words have certain numbers assigned to them. In the traditional system of gematria, the first nine letters have the numbers one through ten assigned to them. This is the decimal system. The next letters are 10, 20, 30 ... The next set of letters would have numbers like 100, 200, 300...

There is a very simple kind of gematria that we use because we have 26 letters and each letter corresponds to one number: A = 1 and Z = 26. Today´s meditation is number 21. If we use the simple method, UR would be U = 21 and R = 18, so UR has the value of 39 (21+18). This is 3 x 13. That is why Valum Votan is referred to as the UR Terton, because 39 is the number assigned to the Valum Votan. The mission of the Valum Votan is to find the hidden teachings of UR.

I had a very powerful experience yesterday. I take it as being partly your responsibility. We are all together in a collective mental field. I can't separate my biofield from all of your biofields here. We are all working on creating, step-by-step, a collective mind field that is purely 13:20. Sometimes we err. Sometimes we fall back. We all have something we need to work on. No one should be afraid to admit to themselves that they have something to work on. (Sound of bell) I wondered where that bell was. It was under my nose!
昨日、強烈な体験をしました。私は、皆さんの責任の一部分としてそれを受け取りました。私たち全ては集合的な精神場を共有しています。私は、ここにいるあなた方の生物場から私自身の生物場を切り離すことはできません。私たちはみな、純粋に13:20な集合的精神場の創造のための取り組みを少しずつ続けているのです。私たちは、ときには間違いも犯したり、後戻りをしたりしますが、それに向かって進みつづける必要のある何かを全員が持っているのです。取り組むべき何かを認めることを恐れるべきではありません。(ベルの音) あのベルはどこで鳴ったのでしょうか。目と鼻の先でしたよ。

We all have something to work on. Despite that, the collective vibration has slowly been rising. This is quite a situation that we gather here every teaching day. We've done this 20 times and this is the 21st, and we'll do it seven more times. We have been so unified, in placing our bodies in this one place, and attempting to hold a unified state of mind during these few moments we have here. Because of that, I received a very special gift yesterday. These are the kinds of gifts that you can't buy and that you don't even ask for. That is why it becomes such a special gift. A very special messenger came to me. It was a very clear sign and it was a very profound confirmation of many things.

After several hours of just being with that, I went to sleep. I woke up this morning at exactly 2:56 a.m. That 256 is sixteen squared. In the Ahau katun cycles, there are 256 years. So I did not need to sleep anymore. It was clear when I woke up that I was having a dream. Wherever the 33rd Harmonic is located in the Hunab Ku, I had been taken there. I was receiving many initiations in a language that was very, very unfamiliar. When I woke up, I knew that it was enough. I could see the number 256 was exactly the time when I was supposed to be awake. That's because this is the time to confirm absolutely everything we are doing. Not only is it in the synchronic order, but it is being guided and furthered by very high forces right now.

No one should doubt any aspect of the experience. We are going toward a place that we have never been before. Sometimes the only way to describe that is to say, "the return to UR". This is the mission that is mine to fulfill. It is a very rare mission. I have been completely filled with a type of energy that I did not know was possible before. It is because I am here now with all of you and that now we are together, going to the same place.

I´d like to talk a little bit about the 7:7:7:7. We have gotten to the top of the mystic seventh column and we are elucidating many things mathematically about that. These things that we are elucidating are also inseparable from these experiences I have been having. When it comes to this level of being a messenger, the messenger becomes the message.

I cannot be separated one bit, night or day, from what I have to be doing. That does not mean I'm asking anyone to follow me or to make any more of me than the mere human that I am. It is for you to realize yourselves with this message and this information. If I was not the complete incarnation of this message, it could not be communicated with the force and clarity that it needs to be communicated with.

The biggest part of this job is overcoming your ego. Without doing that, the actual job won´t get done. I don´t expect that everyone will show up at the non-ego festival pure, but that you will know what it is I´m talking about. When you apply yourself to what you must apply yourself to, you will be able to do it purely. We all go along from birth to death with our little ego struggles, but we have to know when that ego shows up. We have to make sure that we are doing the work purely. It is really the work doing us. In this way I am sharing with you some things that are inevitable because we are all here together. I have absolutely no secrets. I don´t even have anything to hide. I share everything so that we can all be clear about the fact that we are all in this space together. Together we can come to one mind.

It says, when you read this text, "7:7:7:7 Telektonon Revelation." It says "Radial Matrix Plasma Universe Model." It says "Nying Thig Terma of Mayan Galactic Time." "Nying Thig" is a Tibetan word which means "quintessential meditation." This is called the hidden teaching terma of the quintessential meditation of Mayan Galactic Time. When you participate in the numbers and really feel the numbers, then we are in that same meditation. It says, " the Prophecy of Chilam Balam Complete." We know that the Chilam Balam was the prophecy lineage established to follow the long count long after the Maya. It says the "Triumph of UR" ... I made a very interesting discovery. I will say that God made it very easy for me because my birthday is the Resonant Moon 15. My Psi Chrono Unit is right there smack-dab in the middle of the mystic column right in the middle of the 33rd Harmonic ... or when the synchronic order takes me to be in the mystic column, I made an interesting discovery ...

After the second year of the opening of the Psi Bank. Wait a minute. I have a little more to say on the other ... To describe this process, we began working with the Rinri Project and the Psi Bank in the fourth year of prophecy. It was the time of Valum Votan and the 20 Tablets. When we came to the next year, we were in the Resonant Moon and the Fifth Year of Prophecy. It was the second year of opening the Psi Bank. Then the 7:7:7:7 Revelation came. This could only have happened because we all were working on opening the Psi Bank.

I referred to there being a feedback process from working on the Rinri Project and the creation of more projects for my translators. The process of the 7:7:7:7 Revelation had to do with going back to this map from The Mayan Factor. {Showing Mayan Factor text opened to 12-Baktun Map} You can find this on pages 116-117. The number 117 is the number of Red Cosmic Earth. Verse 117 is the one place that the name Valum Votan appears in the prophecy. I said we´d talk number. I went back and looked at this and realized the name UR appears in three places.

This map was done in 1986. It was when I figured out that the long count was the same as the Tzolkin. I put in the key points in history and UR appears in three places. The first place it appears is in the 1 Dragon position. It appears in the word Uruk. That is the name of what is called the first city. If you take Uruk and take it apart, it has two sounds. The UR means "primal or original." Uk means in the Mayan language "seven" or "the moon." The Mayan word for the Thirteen Moon Calendar is "Tun Uc." This means the count of seven, which is the count of the moon.

In Uruk, there were seven wise men. Those seven wise men were the power of seven who established the first city. UR appears in the position of kin 30. Then again, over here, in the position of kin 59. In kin 30, it just says, UR. In kin 59, it says UR and then Rev 10.9-3.18-1 Meditation 21 Page 15 of 20 "legal codes of Hammurabi." I knew for a long time that the prophecy speaks of the Three Messengers of the Awakening. The Three Messengers of the Awakening are Buddha, the Christ and Muhammad. They all were actually messengers from UR and they are the visionaries of the UR to come.

I looked to see where I wrote Buddha, Christ and Muhammad. Then I discovered something truly, truly fascinating. All of this has already been arranged. The synchronic order is absolutely perfect, we´re just trying to reach it.

Buddha is exactly 130 kin from where I wrote Uruk. That is called an antipode relation because it´s always one-half a Tzolkin. Uruk appears in the 1 Dragon position and Buddha in the 1 Monkey position. When we look at Christ, he appears in kin 160 which is 130 away from the mention of Ur in kin 30. Where did I write the name Muhammad? It appears in the position of kin 189 which is 130 kin away from the third Ur. This map was done in 1986. I did not even know about the law of the antipodes. Now I saw that the Three Messengers of the Awakening were exactly each 130 kin away from the three places where UR is mentioned.

In the Bible, in the book of Genesis, Abraham departed from Ur. He went to become a messenger when he left Ur. Where (in the Mayan Factor 13-Baktun map) did I write Abraham? You find him in the position of kin 61. Where did I write Pacal Votan? In the position exactly 130 kin away at kin 191. All the three Messengers of the Awakening have a perfect antipode relationship to the three points of Ur. Abraham, who is the founder of the tradition of the Book, is exactly 130 kin away from Pacal Votan who left the prophecy of Telektonon and UR.

This was one of the demonstrations of the way in which the Divine Plan is already informing. Even in this map of history, before I knew about any of these prophecies, all of this was already coded in. For myself, this was a very profound confirmation.

It says that God always reveals in signs. You have to be able to know how to read the signs. We are talking about the synchronic order being a system of signs, which uses numbers and celestial harmonics. Through the use of these numbers and different harmonics, the synchronic order informs us through a self-existing set of signs. The value of this presentation depends on your being awake. There are certain things which you may understand with your mind and there are certain things you may not understand. All that matters is if you are awake. Do you have your attention here? That is what counts.

I was talking about when these kinds of revelations come. The 20 Tablets of the Law of Time came in the middle of the first year of opening the Psi Bank. In the precise middle of opening the second year of the Psi Bank, came the 7:7:7:7. One thing that I had discovered, when we had crossed in the first year, we began the first year with Codon 1 in the first quarter. This is a map of the Psi Bank you are looking at. {demonstrating lower left hand image, poster graphic, "7:7::7:7: Telektonon 28-day Revelation"}. In the second quarter, we went from this position here {showing Codon 1} in the first plate to Codon 9 in the second plate. In the third quarter, at the same time when a year earlier I was receiving the 20 Tablets, was precisely when we crossed into the 49. {Showing point in graphic where movement goes from Codon 48 to 49} In the whole sequential order, the 48 is right here on the South side of the equator. Then in the North side we have the 49. When we reached the Resonant 15 date of the Fourth Year of Prophecy, that was what initiated the actual Revolution in Time. We were now on the other side of history. We had crossed the corpus callosum. We had gone from the left Hemisphere to the right Hemisphere. That activated much manifestation, including the World Congress of the Law of Time. The stage was ready for the next year.
私はこれらの啓示がやって来たときのことを話していました。「時間の法則の20の銘板」は、サイバンク開示の第1年の中間にやって来ました。サイバンク開示の第2年の正確に中間点で7:7::7:7がやって来ました。一つ私が気づいたことは、私たちが最初の年に差しかかった時点で、その年の第1四半分をコドン1で始めたということです。(7:7::7:7 テレクトノンの28日の啓示のポスター左下の図を示しながら)これはサイバンクの地図ですが、第2四半分に第1プレートの最初の位置(コドン1を指す)から第2プレートのコドン9へと移ります。ちょうどその一年前に20の銘板を受け取った第3四半分には、まさにコドン49に到達するのです。(コドン48から49へと図を辿りながら)全体の連なりの中で、コドン48は赤道のすぐ南側にあって、その北側に49があります。預言の第4年の共振の月15日に、実際に私たちは「時間の革命」を始めたのです。私たちは、今や脳梁を渡って、歴史のもう一つの側にいます。左脳から右脳へと移ったのです。そこでは時間の法則の世界会議を含め、多くの現れが活性化されました。翌年のためのステージは整ったのです。

In the next year, we went from the Codon 2, then we went to Codon 10, then we went to Codon 50. Codon 50 is the Transformation of Time. When we began the thirteen weeks of Codon 50, it was precisely again on the fifteenth day of the Resonant Moon in the middle of the mystic column. It was also precisely when the 7:7:7:7 revelation began.

Of course, on my birthday, I am very attentive, always saying, "Well what are they going to do now? (laughter) How are they going to knock me on the head?" That year, I found out when we got to the 21st day of the Resonant Moon, that day was the 11 Human. The Psi Chrono Unit for that day corresponds to the 7 Earth. There are two places in the seventh column where you have the number seven, the 7 Seed and the 7 Earth. There is another four and seven because the Seed is the code number four and the tone is seven. The Psi Chrono Unit for the 7.15 is 1 Monkey. The 21st day, which completes the third week of the Resonant Moon, the Psi Chrono Unit is the 7 Earth.

On that day, I remembered something. As I studied the Psi Chrono Unit, I remembered in one of the Mayan texts there was a reference to something or someone called Ah Vuc Ti Kab. The Ah Vuc Ti Kab is referred to as the Lord Seven Earth, or the Lord of the Center of the Earth. I knew that being in the center, and being in the second seven of the mystic column, that it was referring to the Earth. It was referring to the Earth within the Earth. In the Earth within the Earth is where what we call the Earth Spirits live. It is where all of what we call the terma is conserved, there at the center of the Earth. All of the plasma that comes from the galaxy, it comes in from the poles and goes to the center of the Earth.

I knew that the Psi Chrono Unit for the 7 Earth is kin 137. When you look at that, it´s 13 and 7. You have again the key numbers of 4:7::7:13. Through that I was able to enter into a meditation which took me to the center of the Earth. It is (also) the first kin in the Harmonic 35 (5 X 7), so going into that, I went into the center of the Earth. I experienced what you might call the transcendental power of seven.

The next morning was the 22nd day of the Resonant Moon - that is the last day of the Cube. The Cube ratio is the same as the ratio of pi. When you look at the Telektonon board, you enter the Cube on day 7, and you leave it on day 22. On the actual Speaking Tube, the 22 is above the 7. I was looking at the 20 Tablets to see exactly where we were. In the Tablets, the 21st day, you always study Tablet 15 and on the 22nd day, you always study Tablet 16. What is in these tablets?

When I looked at Tablet 15, that was the same as the Night Wavespell. I looked up at the end and saw the last two moons. Remember, that in the Tablets, for the Wavespells, each kin is also a Moon. This is also for the year 2011-2012. I saw that the Crystal Moon of 2012 was kin 194 and the Cosmic Moon was kin 195. I realized those were the first two lost generations of the Seven Years of Prophecy. The first lost generation is the White Crystal Wizard, which is kin 194. The second lost generation is the Cosmic Eagle, which is kin 195. The Crystal Wizard is the first year of prophecy and the Cosmic Eagle is the second year.

Then I went and looked on Tablet 16 and saw that the first five moons of Tablet 16 were the same as the kin for the last five "lost generations" and the last five Years of Prophecy. I then said, "Where is the Winter Solstice of 2012?" The Winter Solstice of 2012, is on the ninth day of Rhythmic Moon. The whole cycle of the 13 Baktuns ends right here on the ninth day of the Rhythmic Moon. This means that the last Seven Moons of the whole sequence of 13 Baktuns were exactly the same as the Seven Lost Generations and the Seven Years of Prophecy. Then I saw that this was one of the most profound confirmations of the Telektonon prophecy that I could have imagined.

Remember that the tomb of Pacal Votan codes the beginning of the seven generations and the seven katuns. {Demonstrating 7:7::7:7 graphic, Seven Last Moons 13 Baktuns} This is Crystal Wizard here, kin 194, and if this was the 13-Baktun cycle, this point right here is the tomb dedication date The first Katun of the first generation is Crystal Wizard ... The Crystal Wizard codes the First Year of Prophecy, 1993-94. The same Crystal Wizard codes the seventh Moon before the closing of the 13-Baktun cycle.

The tomb of Pacal Votan was coded to be discovered exactly 1260 years later. It was dedicated exactly 1320 years before the closing of the cycle. The Book of Seven Generations was the secret code that held the keys to understanding the process of fractal time compression. In the fractal time compression, kin 194 is one year, and also one moon. The timing of the appearance of these Katuns, these lost generation years, and the last moons - this had everything to do with closing the cycle.

The whole point of the Mayan prophecies is to bring our attention to the date of the Winter Solstice, 2012. This is the real Millennium. This is the point that all the great cycles will come to an end. This is the point we are preparing for. This is why we are all gathered here. This Mayan Prophecy has called all of us. It doesn't matter whether we were born in Russia, or Japan, or Mexico, or Chile, or wherever we might have been born. Who we are is coded with a genetic memory. We are like sleepwalkers waking up. We hear this call. We are going to go to 2012 and the point of the Winter Solstice.

At this Winter Solstice, we are going to close the cycle. We know this cycle should be closed a different way than the people are living today. All of us are here to learn how to close the cycle so that we come into harmony with the galaxy. Every single one of us here has heard that call to some degree or another. We should all be taking heart in that. When I began to understand the meaning of the Seven Last Moons of the 13 Baktuns - where again you have the 7 and 13 - how beautifully coded was all this revelation.

I had already begun to meditate on the Book of Seven Generations sometime back in the 1980´s. I knew that they were coded to those seven kin. I knew that the prophecy of Pacal Votan had something to do with the 2012 date. When the prophecy Telektonon was revealed to me, I saw that those seven Katuns and those seven kin were the Seven Years of Prophecy. When the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time was revealed to me, I saw that it was the coding for the Seven Years of the Mystery of the Stone. That is for the years 2004-2011. The final stage was to see that the coding went all the way down, right down to the end of the cycle. Even the Seven Last Moons had the coding of the Seven Lost Generations.

When you understand that, you should know this prophecy is the truth. Nobody could plan anything like this. They say, "Show me a miracle. Change water to wine. Pull golds coins off your tongue ... " Well, that´s too easy. The miracles of the Law of Time are genuine miracles. These discoveries and these revelations are what we call miracles because no one could design this. All of this has been arranged by the synchronic order.

To some poor miserable mortal like myself - full of errors, full of indulgences, seeking his way, trying this and trying that, going through this marriage and that marriage, but still going, one human who is less than a speck in the eyes of God - that he would have the persistence to follow a weird little thing at the periphery of his vision! He kept following that, and then miracles became revealed in the numbers.

"What is that you´ve done, Arguelles?" I say,"You take the Dreamspell, take the Telektonon, or the 20 Tablets, take the 260 Postulates, take the 7:7:7:7, take the Treatise on the Law of Time ... Study and read all of them and then come back and tell me what it is. This is more than what is asked of people. I long ago stopped doing anything for money, as you know, and so more miracles have come to me than any human. This is something to think about.

So the revelations of the 7:7:7:7 and all of the prophecy of Telektonon - this is true. The mathematics do not lie. The prophecy of 2012 is absolutely true. All of this has been given so, on the one hand, you can satisfy your mind. Go study and see how the synchronic order manages your life. Then start to live and become a genuine galactic being. All of this is because of the Discovery of the Law of Time.

I´m just a miserable little speck, remember? But I stayed true and because of that, God said, "I´ll take him and see how much more he can take. I´ll make him go around the world," like I told you I did, "with no money and in pain." I never had one doubt. All I had to do was to do what I had to do. Nothing could stop me. That´s how we are tested. Ever since I began to receive the teachings of the Law of Time, I´ve never stopped. I never said, "I think I´ll go over here," because there is no place for me to go. When we are talking about things like fractal time compression, the essence of the 7:7:7:7, is that seven Katuns are to seven years as seven years are to seven Moons. 7:7:7:7 is 4 x 7. The perfect 4 x 7 is the Telektonon of 28. You can make that look like a tube that goes around or it can look more conventional like seven in four rows across. Anyway you make it, there is such a perfection to it that you will not find any other perfection like it on the planet.

When people say,"Why would I follow that?" All you have to say is, "Why do you like something that´s crooked?" That´s all you have to say. You can show them what this is and say this is perfection that is not a human invention. There wasn´t a legislature that said, "Let´s make this." It came because the Law of Time informs everything. You cannot escape the Law of Time. That´s why I said, "Surrender." Surrender to the Law of Time. Let the Law of Time inform you and follow this path. You´re here already and you have a lot more to do. But it is all actually fun.

There´s no greater pleasure than discovering harmony. The numbers of harmony all give pleasure and elevate us inside. We can feel within ourselves vibrations that come from a genuine harmony. When we learn these codes, what we are learning is how to live vertically. In living vertically, you are seeing how high you can live. The index of that is how many celestial harmonics can you put into one point. We just took one little point today - Self-Existing Dragon, kin 121, Tone 4, Code 1, and put it at the top of the mystic column in the Tzolkin. We started to put the celestial harmonics there: two holtuns and ten spins ago, the Museum of Time - Aha! Four spins ago, the birthday of Valum Votan. From there, we saw the codes of the mystic column. When we feel those codes, we see that this is where we are now. Look how much harmony we can bring in one point.

We´ll continue tomorrow.

Bolon Ik: In our continuing consciousness, let´s not feel bad. This harmony is here for us. Let´s forgive ourselves if we´ve had the wrong idea of what we are doing here. This man is the vessel God chose to bring this information to us. This man is selfless, and in this way he has never charged anything to give his teaching or to deliver this message. I ask God´s forgiveness for my own anger, sometimes, when I know that many people want to sell this, want to teach it, want to become masters. All that is being asked is that we become disciples of the Law of Time, which means: to wake up as a human being living in the truth - to leave behind the lies of the world that was based on money and matter - to evolve ourselves truly into the work of art that each one of us is.
ボロン・イク: 継続意識の中では、悪く考えるのは止めましょう。この調和は私たちのためにここにあります。もしここでしていることについて何かまちがったことをしたと思ったのなら、自分自身を許してあげましょう。この人は、神が私たちに情報をもたらすために選んだ入れ物なのです。この人は無私な人で、このように私たちに彼の教えを与えることや伝言を伝えることに対して料金を取ることはありません。私は多くの人たちがこれを売ろうとし、これを教え、マスターになりたがるのを知ったとき、時に起こる自分の怒りに対して、神の許しを請います。私たちに求められているのは、時間の法則の弟子になることです。それは、真実を生きる人間として目覚めることだし、お金や物質に基づく言葉のうそを離れることだし、私たちひとり一人本来の芸術作業へと真に自分を進化させることです。

We are each made in God´s plan. Only through our self-love do we fulfill what God asks us to do. This is not romantic love or self-absorption that says, "Ah! I´m so beautiful and I don´t have to have any discipline and I don´t have to learn." Everyone of us is so beautiful in the character that we are and we cannot escape who we are. So don´t try to hide out and pretend that no one can see you because we feel every single one of you that is here.

Some people have left without saying "goodbye." That´s kind of bad manners, I think. A lot of this is about good manners. It´s like teaching your children to have some respect. So please respect where this information came from. It´s not that this man is in any way saying you have to be a disciple of him or me. I am simply a silly human who makes many mistakes all the time. But I have surrendered to the synchronic order and I know if I don´t pay attention to the codes of Time, that my day will go upside-down. I know all of your patience in listening really has to lead you back to your own mind, to actually question and read and ask: "What are you doing here and what is going on?" so you can discover for yourselves what it means to live in harmony.

Again, with such appreciation we could be here in nature. Nothing is attacking us, but we are getting closer to the time where we are going to have to go back to the other part of the world. This should inspire us to lift higher every moment together. I would like to remind everyone that we have not left this site since we arrived here because the only way we will really experience the Bardo is to stay here and face ourselves.

So please maintain your patience and let´s move forward and see if we can create the collective mental field. Please sleep well and eat well, and take good care of yourselves. Live in the Now. Forget about whatever you did in the past and just live in the present moment. Let´s practice another five minutes to end the session so that in this quiet sitting position we can face ourselves. Go inside with spine erect. You have an absolute right to be here at this moment, so see if you can relax your mind to just go out with the breath.

Rev 10.9-3.18-1           Meditation 21

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