What is the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan?


Yes, everyone does seem to know about the Thirteen Moon/28 day calendar - but what is the
World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan?


From the outset of promoting the Thirteen Moon calendar in 1994, it was perceived that to implement the new calendar required a far reaching plan to change the world. Hence, was born the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan. Submitted to the United Nations in 1995 for its 50th anniversary, the essence of this Plan states:


(編集注:次のパラグラフの訳は http://www.panlibrary.org/prev/2moon.html#anchor2より)
"Because it goes to the root of the problem of materialism, no other peace plan can offer what the Thirteen Moon calendar change proposes: a total cessation of war and the grinding activity of materialism in order to replace one calendar with another. By this simple act humanity will have achieved an unprecedented moment in its evolution: collective peaceful entry into a new and common time. .... Universal acceptance of the new world calendar of thirteen moons-28 days represents an advance in the spiritual evolution of humanity. All creeds, faiths, spiritual paths and ways of life can be embraced by this universal template of unification."


Through the seven years of prophecy, 1993-2000, promotion of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan was accompanied by the evolving dynamic of the discovery of the Law of Time. What this Law demonstrated was that the Thirteen Moon calendar was but the most practical application of an entirely new perception of time and reality. For this reason, the envisioning of the Calendar Change Peace Plan expanded enormously. To change the calendar is not only to envision world peace, but to change the foundations of the human mind altogether.


To accommodate these vast implications, the Foundation for the Law of Time was established in 2000 (Blue Galactic Storm) "for the study and promotion of the Law of Time (T(E)=Art; energy factored by time equals art), based on the Thirteen-moon/28-day calendar, and the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change peace Plan." Reflecting the diverse and universal nature of the Law of Time, the Foundation is organized "for charitable, religious, literary, scientific and educational purposes." All applications of the Law of Time are henceforth promoted by the Foundation - from the Thirteen Moon calendar and the Centers for the Restitution of the Human Mind to Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge Project and the Cosmic History Chronicles. Indeed, the calendar change is Cosmic History.


Click here for downloadable thirteen moon 28-day wavespell calendar. This is a pdf file which requires Acrobat Reader for viewing.

ダウンロード可能な28日13ヶ月のウェイブスペル・カレンダーは、ここをクリック。pdfファイルを見るためには、Acrobat Readerが必要です。

You can also send your mailing address to receive a free pocket calendar from the Foundation for the Law of Time. E-mail us at info@lawoftime.org or call us at +1.541.488.5060 (or toll free in the US: 1.888.365.1320). Or, if you would like to make your own pocket calendars you can download the template here. (5MB)


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原文: http://www.lawoftime.org/content/peace-plan.html

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